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  • Hi Zeed, I had hoped to be there by end of summer time for my kids to start the new school year. But with this VB movement I am not sure when that will be and may have to postpone our plan till the following year. O well, so much for planning ahead.


    • F3 vb

      Hi DSZ,


      • F3 Applications

        According to the recent study there are 520000 (Aprox) F3 Applications between 2001 to 2009. About half of them are from Mexico and Philipines (260000) .Take them out because their pd is different. Take their quota 8000 for both of them. 23400-8000 = 15400 . Now 15400 is the annual limit for World wide category per year. divide 260000 by 15400. Answer is 17. This means that applications filed in 2009 will be processed in 2026. Remember that there is also continuous upgrading of F1 category to F3 category. But we have not included that. Poor F3 category . One should never file a case in this category.


        • Hello Zeed,
          Please do your math one more time because no one country gets 4000 out of 23400 visas per year. That is 1/6th of total and there are many other countries to be considered for the visa numbers available. Please be advised that the number released for our category include the dependents of main applicant as well. Their quota is about 2% of total and somehow from what I had read in the past, the total visas allocated to F3 may go as high as 26000 per year as well. What I do not understand about the number of visas and the number of people in line to receive them is their ratio and the advancement of VB every month. In other words, there are 520000 people in F3 with 24000 visas and there are 1,700,000 in F4 and some 64000 visas available to F4 and the ratio of people in line against visas available is almost the same but there are movement in F4 and no movement in F3 in the past 5 months. The answer I came up with is related to the PD being processed. What I mean is that there is a reason for F3 to be stuck on May 22 2001 and I am afraid the applications filed under 245(i) may be the reason for such retrogression. I believe that if F4 PD gets to 2001, they will have the same retrogression like us.

          March 21st is the start of spring and Persians celebrate the start of New Year on that same day. If you are familiar with Persian art and specifically with our poetry, you can see that nature has an especial place in our lives hence celebrating the nature’s rejuvenation as the start of our new year in Iran which is called NOUROOZ.

          Nourooz (NOU means NEW and ROOZ means DAY) does not belong to us Persians only so Happy Nourooz to everyone.

          (Nature’s conservation is our only way to preserve this planet for future generations.)


          • Happy new year

            Hi Mt2644,

            Happy NOUROOZ.

            Wish you sucess in the coming year.



            • Hello! happy Nouroze to every one. I am a great student of visa bulletin for the past few years. I have following points for every five years for f3 category.
              Year Pd year Years taken
              1995 1992 3
              2000 1995 5
              2005 1998 7
              2010 2001 9
              Now move it forward in the same sequence.
              2015 2004 11
              2020 2007 13
              2025 2010 15
              2030 2013 17

              This cleary verifies my mathematics. Unless there in no Immigration reform, future f3 are in great trouble.
              Alse , there are total 226000 family preference visas and 7% is about 16000 visas. and these are unfotunately divided equally among the four categories. therefore maximum limit for one country is 4000 visas in one category. It may be noted that half of the pending applications in every category are from Maxico and philipine. there are about 1200000 pending applications in F4 category. 600000 are world wide. Take two countries quota out .65000-8000 = 57000 visas for world wide. divide 600000 by 57000 . you get about 10 years. this means that in F4 category 2009 will be processed in 2019 and its speed will remain the same as it is now that is 1 : 1 .


              • guys dont loose hope there will be vb movement for may


                • Just to give you all an update, I called immigration office couple of hours ago and I was notified that our file is complete and no more documents are needed for now. I was told that we just have to wait till we receive our interview letter and the timing of such letter is not known.
                  Let’s hope that it will be during summer time.

                  Thank you July2002 I am trying very hard not to run out of steam here.


                  • Hello Zeed,
                    I am not certain if VB is following a linear mathematical formula. I am sure that no mathematician is capable of coming up with a model for VB to predict how it may behave under different circumstances. My under graduate degree is math and do not even know how to go about formulating such thing.

                    it is known that US immigration backlog is getting worse every year and without reform such as health care’s reform it will not address the needs of US in 21st century. Let’s hope that there will be a program to address such needs in near future.


                    • Originally posted by dsz View Post
                      Hi Mt2644,

                      Happy NOUROOZ.

                      Wish you sucess in the coming year.

                      Thank you dsz and Zeed. I wish the same for you and all of our F3 family members.


                      • Hi Mt,

                        I just wish you the best of luck. I am hoping that you indeed hear by summer. To think your pd is so close and yet so far away. It has to be frustrating. We are not hearing from Maruxa.


                        • Maths

                          The problem is getting worse for F3 category. All other categories will do well in world wide.But Philipine and Mexico under F3 and F4 will also be badly hurt.
                          Mt2644! your paper work is complete . That is fine. On March 12, One of my cousin's interview was held(F3). Her pd is March 2001, she and her two children got visas after few days .But her husband has been told to wait for 40 days.


                          • F3


                            Was there an explaination given to your cousin as to why her husband has got to wait 40 days?


                            • Thank you Pike for your support and I do indeed hope to get the call this summer. He may have been put on AP and I am afraid I may have to go through AP as well.


                              • The Reason

                                Well pike they did not tell any thing but it is very easy to understand. Husband of my cousin is
                                1- Pakistani
                                2- Muslim
                                3- Man
                                and they always do the same .Give visas to minor and women quickly but delay adult men.





