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Applying GC for mom...

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  • Applying GC for mom...

    I got my citizenship in jan 2010. My mom has 10yrs multiple entry and is now visiting and got 6 months to stay, she got here on the 11th of April. I am planning to apply for her GC, my questions are:

    1) I read in a thread earlier it is better to wait 2 months before applying, just checked her passport expires 7th sept so if I apply in june will I have enough time to then apply for her passport renewal as the Indian embassy will renew passport here only if green card is being applied for else has to be renewed in India.

    2) She hasn't obtained a divorce but my parents have been seperated since 1994. In the application do I mention that she is married or single because by law I would think she would be considered divorced. I don't want to have any problems with needing letter from my dad and all for her to get her GC.

    3) For her birth certificate we have non availability letter from the authority which is not on official letterhead but has seal of the authority n signature. This is what they give initially to submit to court who in turn authorise the authorities to issue on the official letter head. would this be enough or will we have to have it on the official letterhead.

    4) Also what address should I put for information about relative as she is living with me here???

    Waiting for reply.
    Last edited by sinnes; 05-06-2010, 02:43 PM.

  • #2
    1) I went through same thing recently. You can wait till August in your case - all she needs is a notice that her 485 was filed.
    2) Technically shes still married Id think. Your dad wouldnt be involved either way.
    3) Dont know
    4) Your address


    • #3
      thank you wvery much, is really helpful.





