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Affidavit of support (I-864)

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  • Affidavit of support (I-864)

    My husband is US citizen and now he has been starting the process of my GC, filling I-130. I am currently residing outside US. For Affidavit of support (form I-864) how can I help him? does my income or assets can help for this purpose? I read I-864 form instruction but I have some confusions not clearly understood.

    On page 2 of its instruction: it is written
    Can the Intending Immigrant Help Me Meet the Income Requirements?

    If certain conditions are met, the intending immigrant's income can help you meet the income requirement. If the intending immigrant is your spouse, his or her income can be included if it will continue from the same source after he or she obtains lawful permanent resident status.

    My queries is: currently I am residing outside US. And my income might not be continued from the same source after obtaining LPR. In such situation, how can I help him?

    Under its step by step instruction page 9 (point 28), it is written:

    "You may use the assets of the intending immigrant regardless of where he or she resides. The intending immigrant must provide evidence of such assets with this form. Form I-864Ais not required to document the intending immigrant's assets."

    I have owned an apartment, pieces of land, saving etc. can we use these things as assets to fulfill the requirement for I-864?

    Your answer would be appriciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sabi View Post
    My husband is US citizen and now he has been starting the process of my GC, filling I-130. I am currently residing outside US. For Affidavit of support (form I-864) how can I help him? does my income or assets can help for this purpose? I read I-864 form instruction but I have some confusions not clearly understood.

    On page 2 of its instruction: it is written
    Can the Intending Immigrant Help Me Meet the Income Requirements?

    If certain conditions are met, the intending immigrant's income can help you meet the income requirement. If the intending immigrant is your spouse, his or her income can be included if it will continue from the same source after he or she obtains lawful permanent resident status.

    My queries is: currently I am residing outside US. And my income might not be continued from the same source after obtaining LPR. In such situation, how can I help him?

    Under its step by step instruction page 9 (point 28), it is written:

    "You may use the assets of the intending immigrant regardless of where he or she resides. The intending immigrant must provide evidence of such assets with this form. Form I-864Ais not required to document the intending immigrant's assets."

    I have owned an apartment, pieces of land, saving etc. can we use these things as assets to fulfill the requirement for I-864?

    Your answer would be appriciated.
    Does your husband's income qualifies by itself for I-864 or he needs to show additional income? Yes you can include proofs of your personal assest, savings, properties, etc............


    • #3
      Affidavit of support

      Thank you senior member duru786 for your reply. Yes my husband needs to show addinational income. I have my saving and all proprities outside USA. What kind of documents to be prepared to proof that I have such assets to suppot him?

      Your cooperation will be highly appriaciated.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sabi View Post
        Thank you senior member duru786 for your reply. Yes my husband needs to show addinational income. I have my saving and all proprities outside USA. What kind of documents to be prepared to proof that I have such assets to suppot him?

        Your cooperation will be highly appriaciated.
        Let me make life really simple for him. Ask him to find a co-sponsor (does not have to be a relative) and fill a second I-864 form. It can be friend or acquaintence. Worst case scenario, get your last three months of bank statements, documents showing you as the owner of the apartment and any other assets you may have.

        Good Luck!


        • #5
          I'm on the same boat as your husband SABI

          Hi SABI,

          As i understood from the I-864 form, the intending immigrant assets is counted. it seems that most people find a co-sponsor which makes life very easy for the sponsor. Unfortunately it is not my case. I'm counting on my spouse assets. if you'd prefer we can go through this story together.
          I have a lot of questions regarding that. because my husband asset documents are in their original language, and i don't know if it will be NVC or the embassy who will look at them. In embassy they understand these original papers but in NVC i don't think.


          • #6
            Assets in apartment out of U.S.

            Hi guys!

            Same problem here: not enough income from my husband, no co-sponsor, but I own apartment and my husband owns land outside of U.S.
            If the proof of ownership with values is needed: who should translate those documents in English and who can confirm this document is legal?

            thank you!





