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Awaiting sons greencard

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  • Awaiting sons greencard

    Me and my husband are both greencard holders. We had our son last year in our home country (united kingdom) due to covid. Due to travelling into the US for the first time with my son and whilst my greencard was stilk being approved, he wasn’t automatically given a greencard. We are now trying to move back to the US, but can’t until his greencard is approved which could take 2 years. We tried the B visa option (lawyer advised) and was denied. Has anyone had a similar situation here and do you have advice? Thanks!! We’re stuck with having to travel back and forth and potentially loosing our greencard if we don’t go back every six month. We have our house and business also out there

    Thanks so much

  • #2
    So your son is in the UK? In what category did you guys immigrate? Who had a green card when your son was born and who didn't?

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
      We’re all in the UK trying to all get back into the US.
      Me and my husband can but our son technically isn’t allowed apart from on an ESTA only for 90 days. My husband had his green card ( through work) first and I didn’t.





