Hello, Father is 86 years old, citizen of India. His green card application will be filed soon. He does not have a birth certificate as they were not issued during his time of birth in India. He has a school completion certificate that contains his date of birth. We have no contact with any of our relatives who can write an affidavit for his birth.
As per the DOS link below :
For persons in India born before 1968, it says a birth certificate is considered unavailable,
1) Does USCIS honor the DOS reciprocity as described in the above link when making a decision on father's GC application?
2) Will father's school completion certificate and a self-affidavit explaining the reasons for not having the birth certificate be acceptable? If no, what additional documents would be needed?
Thank you
As per the DOS link below :
For persons in India born before 1968, it says a birth certificate is considered unavailable,
1) Does USCIS honor the DOS reciprocity as described in the above link when making a decision on father's GC application?
2) Will father's school completion certificate and a self-affidavit explaining the reasons for not having the birth certificate be acceptable? If no, what additional documents would be needed?
Thank you