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    just came from the embassy.after a long wait 7 AM-2PM,they gave me a refusal letter telling that I need to mail 2 certificates showing that me and my brother are really siblings.
    we signed DS-230 at the end of page 4,but they didn't tell us if we got the visa or not.so I really don't know what to say.
    they'll call me after they get the certificates to tell me what to do next.
    really confused.

  • #2
    Originally posted by klast View Post
    just came from the embassy.after a long wait 7 AM-2PM,they gave me a refusal letter telling that I need to mail 2 certificates showing that me and my brother are really siblings.
    we signed DS-230 at the end of page 4,but they didn't tell us if we got the visa or not.so I really don't know what to say.
    they'll call me after they get the certificates to tell me what to do next.
    really confused.
    Sorry for the long wait & not being approved. But it's not too bad. If they kept your passports then you should be okay. It seems that you got a 221g paper which is pretty much a request for more evidence at the embassy/consulate level. As long as you submitted the documents they want (BC in this case) and you two have the *common parent* that is the beneficiary then you guys should get your visas ASAP.

    *common parent* - what I meant here is if your grandmother/father filed for your mother and she has her husband and her children (A & B) listed as beneficiaries of the F3 petition, all will get visas. Even if child A and B have different fathers or if the husband is not the father of child A or B, the kids will get visas as well as the husband. Same thing would happen if your father was the primary beneficiary, as long as you and your brothers have the same father everyone should get visas.
    My priority date - June 7, 2002

    F3 Watch List for active members

    Feb2003/Clearvision = February 2003 - GOOD LUCK!
    diva / sasif / pike = March 2003
    Puddy = April 2003
    hfsitumo2001 = May 05, 2003
    butter = November 23, 2003

    chsingh = June 2004
    krish_84 = November 2004
    zaga14 = = November 8, 2004





