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Ask about joint sponsor

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  • Ask about joint sponsor

    My husband is american and iam vietnamese. We married but he cant find a job there for cant help sponsor for me to get visa to the State.

    My mother in law, she over 60yrs old and not work anymore, but she has about 100thous usd in bank account. I want ask if she can help my husband as JOIN SPONSOR with the money she has?or other option is she give my husband 50thous or so and he will put into the bank and that money will about 5times minimum income which gov want? And he will be my only sponsor. Which option is the best? Pls help me answer. Thanks and regards.

    P/s: my mother in law and my husband they r living in 2different houses/address
    Last edited by Chindit; 11-15-2013, 12:18 PM.

  • #2
    No she can not be joint sponsor because your
    Mother in law does not meet income requirement. Assetes do not as income. Best way to do this is find some friend or relative with above povery line and have them be joint sponsor other than your mother in law.


    • #3
      Cash assets can be substituted for income proof at a rate of 3 times the income deficit for sponsorship, whether by primary sponsor or co-sponsor. In theory, other assets (besides cash) can be substituted, but there must be credible evidence that the assets can be converted to cash. Equity in real estate is very difficult to serve as convincing proof, as even professional appraisals of equity value are not reliable.

      --Ray B

      Originally posted by nilx25 View Post
      No she can not be joint sponsor because your
      Mother in law does not meet income requirement. Assetes do not as income. Best way to do this is find some friend or relative with above povery line and have them be joint sponsor other than your mother in law.





