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nvc steps whats next???

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  • nvc steps whats next???

    I paid aos fees and selected my self as agent for my spouse petition
    Its been 4 weeks. I haven't heard from nvc

  • #2
    It can take up to 8 weeks to get thru NVC but you cam call them anytime you desire and get an update to see if it has been processed yet. Once they process it, they will send your petition to the US Consulate of your country to schedule an interview date. Then your beneficiary attendsbthe interview and you will have a decision on approcal, denial, or administrative processing. If approved your spouse will be told where and when to pick up the visa. If denied your petition is sent back to the US and you then can file for a waiver. If administrative processing your spouse will complete a contact sheet and you wait 60 days to contact them and who knows how long that process will take.





