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Dec. Interview / Air tickets to India

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  • Dec. Interview / Air tickets to India

    I am hopeful for a Dec interview in Chennai and looks like currently there are no seats on BA or Luthansa to Madras, with only a couple of seats to Bombay left. GIven that the consulate will only let us know late Oct. / Nov. with the interview date, surely no seats will be left.

    I think this is going to cause some disruption - wonder how we will get there for the interview.

    Anyone else facing the same issue ?

  • #2
    like situation

    I am expecting a call in Nov-Dec, but my interview will be in mumbai.I think I will face a similar situation.


    • #3
      RE: like situation

      I had a similar situation. What I did was to book assuming
      it is going to be 1st week of the month (in my case Jan' 2001) and another one for latter part of the month, but once I knew it was not in the 1st week, then I cancelled. It cost me $600, but it is worth taking this risk for GC...

      good luck





