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NVC recorded msg says 'case not found', info please....

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  • NVC recorded msg says 'case not found', info please....

    The notice/letter from INS was dated March 14th and it said my I-140 is approved and will be sent to NVC etc etc.

    When I called NVC, NH and verified my case specific info the automated message system says case not found. Does it mean it takes some more time to reach NVC or the infomation is not updated frequently at NVC or should I talk to a operator ?

    Any information will be appreciated.

    Thanks very much.

  • #2
    I am in the same boat. My case was approved on Feb 19 and I am still hearing the same message. When I talk to the operator they say please allow us upto 90 days, if it does not reach us in that time then we will do something else to find the case. The same I am told by my attorney. So the only thing we can do is wait and watch. In particular if your case from California they are are taking very long as I could see from CP Tracker also.

    Anyway good luck and keep posted about the updates.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot for the update.Yes, my case is from CA. Will keep you posted.


      • #4
        I am in the same boat, too.

        Hi, I am in the same boat, too. My I-140 was approved on Jan.9, 2002, and on CSC's records, my case was forwarded to NVC on Mar. 27, but until today (May 1), NVC has not received my case yet. Can you believe that? Does it need more than one month in transit? I asked my lawyer about this, she replied me as following:
        "I attended an INS meeting last week in which they informed us that they are experiencing an additional backlog in processing cases due to the new security checks they are required to conduct." So I believe my case is still sitting in CSC, although it shows my case was already sent out. God! I hate CSC! Please post your updated news once your case is received by NVC, I appreciate your information. Thanks.


        • #5
          Re: I am in the same boat, too.

          For my case its not yet 90 days so I don't think there is any fun wasting energy following up with California or NVC. So it will take its routine time. Things seems very packed now a days.
          Anybody getting update please inform.


          • #6
            NVC received my case today

            CSC sent it on 5/9, and NVC received it today (5/21), thank God! I have been waiting for 132 days since my I-140 was approved.


            • #7
              The message says case is current..

              In case someone wants to estimate the time!Now the message has changed, says the case is current.
              It also says some documents mailed on June 14 th.Hope this helps some one, BTW my I-140 was approved on March 14th.This means it takes 3 months for case to be current!

              So , now I get packet 3, right?


              • #8
                Re: The message says case is current..

                Thats not right. These timings are very eratic and varies. I have seen on the ********* timings for the case to reach NVC from INS varies between 10 days to 150 dyas so you can not genralise the things. But to be on the safer side for calculation puspose take it three months for the case to reach NVC from INS and then another 3-4 weeks to get packet III, after that 3 weeks for the packet to reach back NVC from St Loius. After that another 2-3 weeks for NVC to send the case to the Consulate. Then depends on the arrival date of the case. It may take anything between 2-3 months for the interview.

                Its just an estimate and timings may very from the minimum to maximum.
                So its purely for the approximation puposes.
                Good Luck and keep posted of the timings if you get any.


                • #9
                  Need to know the current processing time for CP

                  My I-140 was approved on June 20th at the CSC. How long is it currently taking for I-140 approval to be forwarded to NVC and from that point to the consulate in Chennai. Any recent delays in the processing?


                  • #10
                    Re: Need to know the current processing time for CP

                    My case got approved on june7th and NVC received it on July 3rd .By what time can I expect my PKT3. Also do they send the agent authorisation letter directly to us or to agent.





