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changing from B-1 to H-1B

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  • changing from B-1 to H-1B

    hi! at your consular interview for a B-1 visa, is it okay to let the consul know that you have plans of converting to an H-1B while in the US?


  • #2
    If you dont, there might be some misrep.

    If you do, then i dont see how you'll get a B as your intent would clearly not be to remain temporarily and return to your home country


    • #3
      hi! thanks for the reply. let me explain my situation further...

      i'm a doctor from the philippines. i have taken all the required USMLE exams to be qualified for residency training in the US, including the Step2 clinical skills exam, which i took last december in LA. i was given a single entry B-1 visa then. but since i applied late to the programs, i only got 1 interview, and i did not get matched to any program. so in september of this year, i plan to apply again for a visa in order to attend interviews (i expect a lot of invitations this time) and to take the Step3 (which is not required for residency training, but is required if one wants to be under the H-1B visa during residency, and not just the J-1 visa).

      so i'm not sure if i should tell the consul that i'm going to take the Step3. He might get the idea that i'm going to change status from a B-1 to an H-1B while i'm there. but that is not my plan. i plan to return to the philippines, get married here, and then apply for the H-1B visa at the embassy in manila before i start my residency in july 2007.

      SO should i just tell him that i'm going back to the US to attend the interviews, or should i tell him that i'm also taking the Step3? and how easy or difficult will it be for me to get a 2nd visitor's visa? i only stayed in the US for 20 days last december.

      thanks. i will really appreciate your replies.


      • #4
        Originally posted by morgagni
        hi! thanks for the reply. let me explain my situation further...

        i'm a doctor from the philippines. i have taken all the required USMLE exams to be qualified for residency training in the US, including the Step2 clinical skills exam, which i took last december in LA. i was given a single entry B-1 visa then. but since i applied late to the programs, i only got 1 interview, and i did not get matched to any program. so in september of this year, i plan to apply again for a visa in order to attend interviews (i expect a lot of invitations this time) and to take the Step3 (which is not required for residency training, but is required if one wants to be under the H-1B visa during residency, and not just the J-1 visa).

        so i'm not sure if i should tell the consul that i'm going to take the Step3. He might get the idea that i'm going to change status from a B-1 to an H-1B while i'm there. but that is not my plan. i plan to return to the philippines, get married here, and then apply for the H-1B visa at the embassy in manila before i start my residency in july 2007.

        SO should i just tell him that i'm going back to the US to attend the interviews, or should i tell him that i'm also taking the Step3? and how easy or difficult will it be for me to get a 2nd visitor's visa? i only stayed in the US for 20 days last december.

        thanks. i will really appreciate your replies.

        so i'm not sure if i should tell the consul that i'm going to take the Step3. He might get the idea that i'm going to change status from a B-1 to an H-1B while i'm there. but that is not my plan. i plan to return to the philippines, get married here, and then apply for the H-1B visa at the embassy in manila before i start my residency in july 2007.

        That is your answer and why you wnat to go back............to attend interviews. You always want to say enough but try not to give more than you were asked especially when it raises red flags.

        That you cam eback on time should help not hurt your case. Good Luck





