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After Packet 3 sent how does Consulate communicate with you?

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  • After Packet 3 sent how does Consulate communicate with you?

    After Packet 3 is sent back to Consulate, approximately how long does the Consulate take to respond?

    I am not asking how long until the interview date, only how long until the Consulate communicates with you.

    Also, do they phone you? do they send you a receipt notice via regular mail? how do they communicate with you?

    Your comments are highly appreciated.

  • #2
    Call them


    You need to proactively call them , typically after 15 days of sending out packet-3. They will not give you a call. However they do respond to emails (takes around 8 to 15 days).

    However I used to call them up and they were courteous with their replies.



    • #3
      Re: After Packet 3 sent how does Consulate communicate with

      Thank you patienceunlimited. I have tried to call the consulate almost everyday, without success. I have also e-mail them but to no avail (it's been more than three weeks since I e-mailed them).

      The phone is really a problem (I am calling Ciudad Juarez), I've litterally tried continuously for up to 4 hours, during several days and just can't get through. I've checked the phone numbers and they seem to be OK, if you or anyone else knows of another non-officially published number to call them please post it here.

      Again, thank you for your response.


      • #4
        Communiciating with consulate

        Here is a novel suggestion: write them a letter and mail it to the Immigrant Visa Section.

        Always include your case number and name in the letter as well as a stamped self addressed envelope for them to put their replies in. You will have to obtain some Mexican stamps to do this but that shouldn't be too difficult (you can probably do it over the net).

        That's how I communiciated with my consulate and the process was totaly painless. I usually wrote the questions on a letter leaving enough space under each one for them to write their replies in and they mailed it back to me in the envelope provided.


        • #5
          Re: Communiciating with consulate

          Thank you for your suggestions. After reading these posts I was finally able to reach the consulate. They said it would take them about 3 weeks just to begin looking at my case, and after then depending on their judgement would decide whether to go ahead (I thought after I824 approval this was a done deal, I guess things have changed). My case is (I think) crystal clear, so I hope I don't have any problems. So far it's been a nightmare dealing with the Texas Service Center, I hope the Department of State folks are more efficient.

          Again, thanks.





