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Marriage Certificate - Urgent

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  • Marriage Certificate - Urgent

    I got married in 1992 and for some reasons never got my marraige certificate.

    Recently, I got a Marraige certificate from the Indian Consulate in Chicago. Is this sufficient for consular processing?

    Can I get an affidavit for the same. Any suggested formats??

    If I have to take a Marraige Certificate from the Vijaywada, A.P, How long will it take and what is the process?

    Please respond ASAP as my CP is scheduled for March


  • #2
    Taking a marriage certificate from India, might not be difficult. I think you can get it in a day or two if you show him the religious records if any. I think it is best to take one from India too.

    Can you let me know if we need to take local police certificate from India? Even my interview is in March.
    Good luck



    • #3
      Since you are married 10 years ago, you can't get it done quickly at your local sub registrar directly, you need to approach the District registrar .

      It took a while for me 30 days since more than 5 years has elapsed, I applied at the sub registrar then the file was sent to registrar office for further approval/processing then I was issued one.


      • #4
        If you are residing in the US, than you only need to get police clerance certificate from the local consulate. I just double checked with my attorney and he confirmed the same


        • #5
          Can I get more details please.

          I am just going to India about 10 days before the interview and as per Ur experience, if this takes 30 days, I will not have enough time. Can I apply for the marraige certificate in absentia?
          Can I use a Marraige affidavit (Sworn statement) in place of the marraige certificate? I did check the Chennai consulate web site madras.sphynx.com/wwwhfaq.php3?cat=4 under FAQ section. This is what it states:

          In cases where birth or marriage certificates from the authorities are unavailable or contain insufficient information, a sworn statement executed by either the parents of the applicant, if living, or other close relatives older than the applicant, all of whom must have personal knowledge of the birth or marriage, may be submitted. The affidavit should set forth the relationship between the deponent and the applicant, how well the deponent knows the applicant, how the deponent comes to know about the facts to which he or she is swearing, date and place of applicant

          Can I just go by this statement and use a affidavit?






