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Police certificate, New Delhi Consulate

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  • Police certificate, New Delhi Consulate

    I have got my CP interview date in the first week
    of Feb, in New Delhi.
    So far my lawyer couldn't confirm if the PCC is
    needed for my case.

    I called the local Indian Consulate in San Francisco,
    they said they need 30 days to issue the same.

    I have been living here more than 5 years in US,
    how else can I get a PCC ?

    Any info will be highly appreciated.

  • #2
    Apply for PCC ASAP at the consulate

    Then take the ref. # ,Receipt,copy of Application stamped by Indian Consulate for your ref.

    Now with this Fax this details to your people in india who can follow it up wiht Local Regional Passport Office where your PP was issued.

    Tell them to goto RPO and give this ref. number and see if FAx received a reply back to the fax.

    An alternative go well in advance to your Place of issue of PP and you youself follow it up. YOu SHOULD GET IT IN A WEEK IF PROPERLY FOLLOWED UP IN INDIA.

    For Delhi RPO PCC issued in a Day.

    This is just my 2 cents


    • #3
      Where is ur Passport issued from

      in Delhi...they give PCC in one day from RPO...
      also if u post ur RPO(Regional Passport Offfice) here, we can be of better help...
      but atleast file for PCC here as suggested by ME2GC...
      BTW when's ur interview Date..mine is Feb 13 at Delhi..myself. ME2GC and one more guy got our PCC from CGNY on Jan 21
      k...Good Luck...


      • #4

        ME2GC : thanks a lot for ur suggestions! I will give a shot and see if that works!

        harry: incidentally my date is also Feb.13! Have you
        managed to get ur PCC ? If so how?
        My passport was issued from New Delhi. Later I had
        to add extra booklet, which was issued from CG-SFO,
        which bears a new PP number. CG-SFO guys are saying
        diff things at diff times when I called about 1 or 30-days
        requirements, hopefully when I go to their office on Monday, things will be more clear!

        Goodluck to u too with ur GC interview!


        • #5
          Whats was the reason for new passport

          if u got new passport cos' ur old one was expiring, then u should get PCC in a day...if new PP was issued cos ol done was getting full (no more blank pages), or name change etc..in such cases it'll take 30 days or more..
          BTW if u can go to Delhi a few days before interview, u can get it from Delhi RPO in a day without any hassle or involvement of middleman...
          still, if i was in ur position, I'd apply for PCC at CG-SFO also and take a letter from them that I've applied for PCC..and I'd gone there on the next business day...friday...Good Luck....





