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Wedding Photographs

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  • Wedding Photographs

    Hi All!

    Is it a must that Wedding photographs are req. If so how many? @#%$'t marrigae certificate enough to convince them that you are married?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Wedding Photographs

    That depends on when you got married.

    If you were married for the whole time during the Labour Cert/I-140 process the marriage certificate will probably beenough.

    If you did it just prior to the CP then you may need to prove that the marriage is real and not entered into for immigration purposes - hence need for photographs, invitations etc.

    People marrying their way into green cards don't tend to spend a lot on weddings They usually go to the courthouse and get it done quickly with a paper clip standing in for a wedding ring (or at least thats how they do it down here in Florida).

    That's why the consulate may sometimes ask for more proof than just the certificate. The bigger the occasion you made of it - the more likely it is to be genuine.





