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current salary < LC salary by 2%

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  • current salary < LC salary by 2%

    I have a little problem. My current salary is about 2% less than my LC salary. My employer has agreed that they will give me a 5% raise in Feb (when I come back from my CP on Jan 30) and they will give me letter to that effect.

    Do you think it is ok? Does anybody know of any similar problems? My salary slips would not match exactly.

    Please advise

  • #2
    current salary &lt; LC salary by 2%

    Not Legal Advice:

    Your current salary is irrelevent. The job you are taking up upon arrival in the US as a Permenant Resident is completely different from your current Employment. You may be doing the same thing but it is still a different position (ie a permenant position instead of temporary).

    Your employment letter must state that the comany will employ you permanently under the terms and conditions of the Labor Cert and approved I-140 application and at the rate specified in the Labor Cert. It must also state that the position is open to you upon your being granted Permenant Residence in the US.

    As long as it says that your current employment doesn't come into it since the LC is for a job for the future, not the present.





