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CP in Germany done

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  • CP in Germany done

    I had my interview in Frankfurt on 10-17.
    Here's a rundown of the procedure:

    The medical was scheduled for 8am. The doctor's office is about
    10 minutes by foot from the consulate.
    The parking situation is quite bad, as in all of Frankfurt.
    The fee is DM 200, in cash or Eurocheque, no Creditcards or
    American checks.
    The whole medical took about 1 1/2 hours

    The interview was scheduled for 10am.
    The consulate is located next to the Palmengarten. You find
    directions to the Palmengarten throughout the city, so the
    consulate is easy to find.
    The fees of $325 can be paid by Creditcard (Visa, MC).
    After paying the fees, I waited for 1 1/2 hours before they
    called me to check my documents for completeness. Copies are
    ok, except for the police certificate, which they wanted
    as original.
    11/2 hour later I got called for the interview. I expected it
    to be in an office, but it was at a counter, like everything
    at the consulate. The interview took less than 5 minutes.
    The questions:
    - what's your job?
    - At what company do you work?
    - For how long do you work there?
    - Do you intend to continue to work there?
    The officer browsed through the file, and then wished me luck.
    Since they have to wait for the results of the medical, the
    visa can be picked up 2 days later, or it can be sent via
    registered mail, which takes 7 days (or so they say).
    I picked it up yesterday.





