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satpath: Please respond PCC for CP in Montreal

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  • satpath: Please respond PCC for CP in Montreal

    Hi Satpath
    I posted a query regarding obtaining police certificate from India for doing CP in Montreal. I hold a Canadian passport now and so I am not able to get a police certificate from the Consulate. You had mentioned that one had to obtain a police certificate from the local police station. Does that mean one has to go to different places where one lived in India and collect the police certificates or get one from the local police
    station where we stay now. Please let me know as I am leaving for India and hopefully I will get it done. Even this is going to be a problem but I will try to get one. Thanks for the help.


  • #2

    We have the same question pending with our lawyer. Unfortunately, he says, there is no clear guidance regarding whether a PC from EVERY place in India is required. Because certificates from India have apparently become available only recently, the law is unclear, especially about those who are not Indian citizens but who have lived in India. My lawyer said he will need to do some research to get the answer.

    In the meantime, my husband has tried to obtain a PC only from the place where he lived last, because it is a pain to obtain from all places. Until we hear from our lawyer, I can't say definitively what to do.

    However, I would suggest that, if possible, you should obtain a PC from every place, to be on the safe side.

    Sorry I can't be of more help now.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      satpath:Please respond PCC for CP in Montreal

      Hello Satpath
      Thanks for the reply. I talked to my company lawer and she says that I must obtain a National PCC and she asked me to call the Embassy in Washington. I called up the Consulate in San Fransisco and they said they will issue a PCC with my Canadian passport and the old Indian passport. I am thinking of trying that. I am not sure whether you had already called the Indian Consulate near you. I thought I will share what I found out. Thanks for the info





