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  • CSC -> NVC

    The operator at NVC said they got my case from CSC on 11/16/00, and they will send packet 3 in 6-8 weeks from that date.
    Does anybody get packet 3 after 11/16?
    My I-140 AD: 10/27/00 EB3

  • #2
    VSC to NVC

    I-140 Approved at VSC - 11/9/00
    I-140 Approval Notice Received - 11/20/00
    NVC Received File from VSC - 11/24/00
    NVC Case Created - ?
    NVC Packet 3 Sent - ?
    NVC Packet 3 Received - ?


    • #3

      I-140 Approved at CSC - 7/3/00 & 10/16/00
      NVC Received File from CSC- 11/17/00
      NVC Case Created - ?
      NVC Packet 3 Sent - ?
      NVC Packet 3 Received - ?

      EB-3, PD: November 1996

      The NVC operator told me yest. that it will take 6-8 weeks from 11/17, for me to receive pkt. III. The automated msg. at NVC has still not changed for my case...


      • #4
        NVC message changed!!!

        Today I checked the automated phone system at NVC, and it says "your petition is current, packet of instruction would be fowarded to attorney of record?" or something like that.

        NVC received file: 11/16/00.
        Massege changed : 12/07/00.


        • #5
          NVC message changed

          Yest. I spoke to an NVC operator who told me that they were working on 11/17 cases to get it into their system. Sure enough, the NVC automated msg. system for my case has changed to Your petition is current

          Once again
          NVC recd. case : 11/17
          Message changed: 11/14



          • #6
            HTML Comments are not allowed

            I-140 Approved at VSC - 11/9/00
            I-140 Approval Notice Received - 11/20/00
            NVC Received File from VSC - 11/24/00
            NVC Case Created - 12/15/00
            NVC Packet 3 Sent - ?
            NVC Packet 3 Received - ?

            My case is in NVC's automated system now. It says "Your petition is current. A packet of instructions will be fowarded to attorney on record in 4 to 6 weeks."



            • #7
              Hi guys,

              I was wondering that does your CSC approval message states that the petition has been sent to NVC or not?

              I opted for CP and my I-140 was approved on 12/13. But, the message does not say that the case is sent to NVC.

              Any similar experiences ?



              • #8
                Auto Message at CSC


                I'm waiting for Packet3 from NVC, but the auto message at CSC is still saying it takes between 300 and 330 days... It took 20 days for NVC to get my files after my I-140 was approved at CSC.


                • #9
                  Hiro32: Can you ..

                  .. let us know when NVC sends you the packet 3?

                  Also, can you let us know when you receive your packet 3 from NVC?



                  • #10
                    I-140 approval

                    I am waiting for my I-140 approval from CSC. I applied in August 2000. According to the JIT report released by CSC every 2 weeks my I-140 should have been approved by now. Can any body tell in which orders CSC is processing the I-140 petition? I assume all of yours PD are current. My PD is not current (April 2000 EB2). Are CSC only processes I-140 when either the PD is current or is about to become current? Any responses will be appreciated from those who got recently approved.


                    • #11
                      Got case number from NVC

                      I obtained my case number from NVC this morning. Made sure my consulate is correct. Pkt 3 will be mailed to my attorney in 4 to 6 weeks.



                      • #12
                        NVC voicemail changed again

                        Hey guys... Last week the automated msg at NVC said your petition is current and pkt 3 will be sent to you. Today it said.. your petition is current and a letter for AOS or CP has been sent to your attorney! So I called them up and spoke to them and they've told me to send them a letter stating that we want to opt for CP and not AOS. So I will be doing that by overnite delivery. Just thought would inform you guys.. to make sure NVC knows you are opting for CP and your pkt 3 should not get delayed coz they have been waiting for your reply.



                        • #13
                          NVC letter asking about AOS or CP

                          Hi bd850, this is dentyne from the immigration.com forum. Do you mean you wili go ahead and send a letter to NVC without waiting for the letter that NVC has sent out to you? Did the operator tell you what should be included in the letter, is there a specific format? Who should write/sign the letter, the lawyer or the petitioner?
                          FYI, I just called NVC and they are unable to accees my file now.


                          • #14
                            CSC to NVC

                            hi Dentyne

                            yes I will send the letter directly to NVC. The operator I spoke to told me I dont need to wait for their Letter. He told me to address it to him and he will give it to his supervisor to update the system. I've used a simple format... Put all my details down and then in the body of the letter have just asked them to accept this letter as my confirmation to go ahead with CP. The letter does not have to be sent by the Attorney. The good thing about NVC is that they will accept and talk to the Beneficiary i.e. us.

                            I've also sent our attorney an email keeping him informed that we are sending out the letter directly to NVC. This just keeps him in the loop.

                            Hope this helps..


                            • #15
                              CSC to NVC

                              Thank you so much bd850, this is great information!
                              So I think one should wait until NVC generate a case# then send a letter stating that he/she wants CP, right? But for your case, the operator asked you to address the letter to him, so does that mean we need to talk to an operator and find out his/her name before sending that letter?





