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  • #31
    Packet 3 Sent

    NVC Received File from CSC- 11/16/00
    NVC Case Created - 12/11/00
    NVC Create Packet 3 - 12/18/00
    NVC Packet 3 Sent -12/27/00
    NVC My case Sent to Consulate -12/27/00
    Received Packet 3 from my Attorney - ????


    • #32
      NVC Chronology

      10/23/00 - I-140 approved
      11/06/00 - NVC received case file from NSC
      11/20/00 - NVC created case
      12/11/00 - P3 generated
      12/19/00 - P3 sent by NVC to attorney
      12/19/00 - Case forwarded to New Delhi consulate
      12/29/00 - Attorney received P3

      Though the NVC automated message still says '..A packet of forms will be sent in 4-6 weeks'. I hope it should change in couple of days.


      • #33
        Automated Phone Message

        I don't think the message is changed after Packet3 was sent out. Mine still stays the same even I got the Packet3 already.


        • #34
          Voice Message

          The NVC automated message changed for me. It clearly says that this ends all NVC action on your case. I am still waiting for my packet 3 though


          • #35

            great suddenjim.. your case seems to be moving pretty fast. My voice msg. still says that pkt. 3 will be sent to attorney of record. I know that your voice msg. has now changed but can u tell me that when NVC Created your PKT.3, then did the voice msg. change for you from "pkt 3 will be sent to attorney of record to yr pkt. 3 has been created"?

            Thanks a lot!


            • #36
              Voice Message on NVC

              Hi BD850,

              The voice message did not change when the packet 3 was generated. Once my file was sent it changed. Interestingly the voice message says that they sent the packet 3 to the consulate and the attorney on the day they generated the packet 3 (December 18th) which wasn't true. They sent that stuff on Dec 26th and I think the message changed on Dec 27th.

              Hope this helps.



              • #37

                Thanks Jim. It helps. Perhaps, next week I will call up NVC and see if pkt.3 has been generated for me..


                • #38
                  NVC voice message changed

                  I was quite thrilled to hear the changed msg. at NVC stating that the Pkt.3 has been sent to our Attorney and that this concludes all NVC action on our case
                  The voice msg. changed today 1/4 stating the pkt. 3 has been sent out on January 1st.
                  So do you guys think that the pkt. should reach Mumbai consulate by at least the 15th of Jan. And when should I send it Pkt.3. After my attorney receives it?
                  Any input will be appreciated.



                  • #39
                    Packet III

                    Hi All,

                    Your information is very helpful since
                    my attorney does not response promptly.
                    I have been asking HR if our attorney has received
                    my packet III since my date is almost same as
                    others who already got packet III. Our attorney hasn't respond back yet.

                    Here's my info with NVC

                    Dec 4 -- case entered
                    Dec 11 -- packet generated
                    Dec 19 -- packet sent
                    Dec 19 -- case forwarded to US embassy in Tokyo


                    • #40

                      Yuka2001 .. your NVC info. didn't come thru' but I would suggest that you talk to an NVC operator and asked them the date pkt.3 was sent to your attorney. I think you should give it a couple of weeks at least for it to reach your attorney. After that, if you still dont receive it and request NVC, then they will oblige and send you a pkt. directly.
                      But your best bet right now is to talk to NVC directly.


                      • #41

                        sorry.. Yuka.. can read your NVC info...


                        • #42
                          Update ..

                          PD: Current
                          Category: EB2
                          Consulate: Mumbai
                          I-140 Approval Date - 11/09/00
                          NVC Received File from VSC - 11/24/00
                          NVC Case Created - 12/15/00
                          NVC Created Packet 3 - 12/25/00
                          NVC Packet 3 Sent - 1/4/01 (NVC system says 12/25/00 which is incorrect)
                          NVC Sent Case to Consulate - 1/4/01 (NVC system says 12/25/00 which is incorrect)
                          Attorney Received Packet 3 from NVC - ?
                          I Received Packet 3 from my Attorney - ?

                          Today the NVC system msg changed to something like "A packet of forms has been sent to your attorney and case has been forwarded to your consulate at Mumbai ..... blah .. blah .. This concludes all NVC action on this case". So, now waiting for Pkt 3 to reach my attorney.



                          • #43

                            Amitabh/suddenjum.. are you'll planning to wait for your attorneys' to receive pkt. 3 or are you'll planning to keep everything ready and send it across to the consulate?



                            • #44
                              Received Packet 3 Today

                              Hi bd850,

                              I received my packet 3 today. I have not yet got anything ready as yet. I tried getting thro to the Madras consulate yesterday to confirm that my case has reached them. I could not get through to them.

                              The main number listed on the web site won't do. She asked me to call some other number. I just could not get through on that number.

                              I will get the packet 3 ready today and will mail it as soon as I come to know that my case has reached.

                              Do any of you have an about idea what are the numbers to call.



                              • #45
                                bd850 + suddenjim - Reply ..


                                like suddenjim, i am planning to wait till i receive pkt 3. the reason is to make sure that there is enough time for Mumbai to receive my case from NVC.


                                since my consulate is Mumbai, i do not have info on Chennai numbers.

                                BTW, what does the consulate do when they "physically" receive your file from NVC? do they have to again do some form of "data entry/case creation" (similar to NVC) OR do they directly access our case info that is already entered by NVC (i am assuming that the consulates have direct real time access to NVC's systems)?





