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BC Problem

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  • BC Problem

    I do not have Birth Certificate. I asked for the Municipal record in Mumbai. They could not find it. They are asking me to check in different wards. This is time consuming.

    I would like to do Affidavit. But the problem is I need a certificate from Municipality that my records are not with them.

    What do I do?

    Has anyone faced similar situation?

    Any input will be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    I hate to say the obvious. But I recommend paying
    someone some money and getting that certificate.


    • #3
      BC Problem

      Note that just an Affadavit alone is not sufficient. The way how it works is that an Affadavit is used to suppliment a letter that is issued from the municipal authorities that they do not have a record/lost your record of birth.

      So you should make every effort to get a birth certificate if it has been recorded or a letter saying there is no record. Take this non availability letter to a magistrate & get a Affadavit.

      Best of luck.


      • #4

        They should either give you the BC or the non-availability certificate. With the latter and two affidavits you'll be OK.

        I have actually used the BC that the Indian Consulate gives, for my wife, in our interview. That can be obtained in one day from the Consulate.


        • #5
          Re: Response

          Will the Marriage Certificate obtained from Indian Consulate be valid in lieu if marriage certificate obtained from India




          • #6
            Nutcut- Pl reply

            Nutcut - you said you used birth certificate from Indian consulate. I though BC from Muncipality is the one consulate wants to see. Which consulate you did your CP?


            • #7
              My wife is in similar situation... she has to make an enquiry of different wards.
              Which is time consuming... to get BC or to get Non availability.
              BC from Indian Consulate iN US seems very appealing.....I too heard
              that BC has to from Municipality.

              Nutcut can you add more info....like which US consulate did you go .... Did the US consulate
              look at the BC of your wife....

              I have seen the Indian consulate website (Chicago), they do provide a BC for $6 fee.



              • #8

                Most of the questions above are answered in NUTCUT "got IV"

                I have another question though... I registerd my BC recently.
                Will there be any problem in Chennai Consulate with my birth date and registered date
                being far apart....



                • #9

                  I did it at Mumbai. Please see my previous post ("Got IV") for details.


                  • #10
                    Here is how I solved the problem

                    I went to the nearest ward where I was born in Mumbai. They did not have Birth Record. So I asked my parents to approach them with a letter stating my birth details and asked them to record my birth. they did. After that my parents asked them the BC.

                    Sorry, it was a simple process. We did not registered birth but did it later. Because, in India school leaving certificate and passport is a valid document in lieu of BC we never needed it. Thank God that we have it now and know the procedure to obtain.

                    I am glad that I posted here and got lot of suggestions. This will help in future.

                    All the BEST.



                    • #11
                      Re: Response - BC from Indian Consulate

                      Thanks for your message.
                      We are in the same situation with the birth certificate. We obtained the BC from Indian Consulate Houston- but as nobody seems to talk about it, we are not sure whether it is a valid one. Our CP will be done in Chennai. Can you please let us know, in which consulate in India, you used this BC from Indian Consulate and whether there has been any questions/problems regarding this ?



                      • #12
                        Re: Response - BC from Indian Consulate

                        Hi all,

                        Let me tell you guys my expereince on getting a BC which is a nightmare for me.

                        I was born in 67 and my birth was registered during that period.

                        The procedure for getting a BC is as follows(though this procedure can be changed left and right by going thru backdoor) Anyway my point is to explian the procedure and how I failed to get BC by any means.

                        This procedure holds good if you have never registered your BC

                        Legal Procedure:

                        Step 1: Request your father to go to a first class magistrate and make an affidavit there that you are born on such and such date and a BC is requeseted which has not beed registered.

                        Step 2: Magistrate verifies the application and sends for an enquiry with the revenue inspector(RI) to find out if such and such person was born to the concerned parents.

                        Step 3: RI verifies and get the signature from some people and sends the verification notice to the magistrate.

                        Step 4: Magistrate orders the local Registrar of Death and Births offce to register the birth and issue a BC

                        All these rules can be twisted by paying as people have done that.

                        No my case: I approached (My dad infact) the nagistrate(basically he floowed Step 1). And then and there magistrate rejected his case saying that since I am born in 1967, no BC can be issued based on some law that he showed him. ANd he told him that people born after 70 can get the BC following this procedure(getting certificate from the offcie of Registrar of Deaths and Births) and people those who are born before 65 can get their certificate from Police Station. But there is no such rule for people born in between 65 to 70. Strange!!!! WHat that bugger told is that Indian Governement does not have any rule fo rthis duration. He told that this rule has never existent.Then he advised him to lodge a case in high court to make that a rule so that other people can be benefitted who want BC for that period.(Hum rehgayethe aakhir main ye social service karneko!!!!) In my knowlege so many friends I have are born in between thses years and have got their BC by some means or other.

                        Now my dada lodged acase in high court to make this a rule(Good social service by paying ISR 5000.00!!!). As you guys know how much time it takes for the indian judiciary system to decide on a case(Remember the court seen of DAMINI movie). SO the case is still pending.

                        So what I did is, asked my attorney to send me a format of the birth affidavit and I sent that to my dada and he got it signed by a migistrate and also got another copy notarized. Thenthe second part was to get anon-availabilty certificate from the same office. So my father went to get a NON BC from the offcie. as he approahed the offcie they asked him to give that in aletter. But I came to know from this board sometime back that it should be on some form number 18. So I requested my dad(poor dad suffering because of me) to go ask them on form # 18. Alas! they don't have a form #18 or 19. I asked my in laws to get it from their local office and send it to my dad whi in turn went to the local office and got it done. Now I have 2 differnet non availabilty BC one is in form # 18 and another form #19. Then I aske dmy dad to get many different formats of the affidavits of the BC.. I collected all the different formats of the affidavits that I could and sent all the contents to my dad. Now he has 18(9 each for my dad and mom) affidavits ready for me. Still I am insisting my dad to get the BC. My CP interview might be in June. I am still not sure if these three certificates will be valid.

                        Thanks for going thru such along mail.



                        • #13
                          Does anybody know the fax no. of Chennai consulate?





