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824 cleared while waiting to send Pkt III(AC-140)

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  • 824 cleared while waiting to send Pkt III(AC-140)

    Hi CP experts:
    I was waiting till my priority date gets current(it would be next month) and file my AC-140 to mumbai consulate. Since mumbai consulate requires 824 receipt, I applied for 824 and got the receipt dated Feb 5th. I was hoping to by pass NVC(obviously to avoid the NVC loop) and file AC-140 but my 824 got cleared in 2 weeks Feb 15th. I don't want to go for NVC loop as the trend shows that it takes some another 1/2 months (in some cases more than that) to get an nterview date.

    So my question is can I send AC-149 even though my 824 got cleared? Has anybody done that? I know some people filed the AC-140 and while they ware waiting for their interview date, their 824 got cleared.

    But my case is different, so what should I do?

    Thanks in advance


  • #2
    U will have to wait


    As my understanding is you will now have to wait
    till the file is transfered to NVC. AC-140 is
    filed with the intention that it would cause
    hardship (talk to lawyers) and if u lie that
    you have not got the 824 then u may be disbarred

    I wont take that risk


    • #3
      Re: U will have to wait

      I think this might have been true in the past, or maybe for one consulate.
      In particular, see state department letter to IVs:

      The visa office requests that posts which process IV's begin immediately accepting I-140 cases for which
      the beneficiary has filed an I-824 request for overseas processing and was last resident in posts's
      consular district. As noted above, such cases are not discretionary. If post is approached by a beneficiary
      or atroney requesting such processing, post should first determine if the beneficiary is eligibile to ahve the
      case processed there. Posts do not have to have the actual approved petition to process, as 9 FAM 42.42
      authorizes officers to process immigrant visa petitions on the basis of an I-797 "notice of approval" or
      telegraphic notification of petition approval. For the sake of consistency as well as forestall potential fraud,
      posts must accept these cases only if the beneficiary can supply all of the following items:
      * Original I-797 notice of the I-140 petition.
      * Copy of the I-140 petition(a certified copy is not necessary).
      * Receipt for the I-824 to demnostrate the applicant has requested overseas processing.
      * Evidence the applicant was last resident in the host country of the post.

      You do not have to lie if you send the I-824 approval notice with the relevant Packet 3 documents.


      • #4
        SEE inside

        DEar abu

        This is correct in case you I-824 is pending
        that is what the memo says. Also please try to
        understand couple of points here

        1 I-824 means the intention of gettting the
        file transferred to Consular. If that has been
        approved why should the consulate accept I-824
        and AC-140 . Deosnot make sense

        2 The intention of Ac-140 is that if the 824
        approval iks going to take a long time which
        in ur case is not true and has been already approved
        There is no need for AC-140 The consular may say
        please wait for one month till NVC send the file
        over .

        3 Rest is ur choice. Just to save 1 month and
        risking the whole process is not advisable.
        I know couple of my friends here in my compnay
        who are from bombay and were refused AC-140
        since they had 824 approval notices .

        4 BEAR in MIND when u go for consular processing
        dont assume that Consular doesnot know about
        ur history at INS. ALl ur petitions are retreieved
        from INS and sent across to Consular. So if u
        claim that u didnot receive 824 it amounts to
        lying and subsequenlty other issues

        5 rest ir ur choice


        • #5
          Re: SEE inside

          While nobody is suggesting someone should lie, I read the memo from state department, nowhere does it say that approved I-824 should be rejected from AC I-140.
          I'd like to know more about your friends who got rejected and WHEN.


          • #6
            Not Lying


            PLease i repeat please understand at INS laws
            are based on interpretations. You may want to
            interpret it the way it sounds nice to you and I am
            looking at the other side.

            As per the memo it says I-824 receipt not approved
            I-824 "Just a legal issue here" . I repeat if
            u have an approved I-824 then the consulate has
            a discretion "not specified in memo" to say that
            since ur 824 is approved lets wait for NVC . The idea
            (i repeat) behind AC-140 (as per ins laws) and the
            prupose of accepthardship (i repeat hardship) to the applicant
            that is the basis for Ac-140ing just the receipt was the
            underlying assumption that I-824 takes more time
            casuing AC-140 is not accepted everywhere do u know why ?
            Reason being some consulates assume that appying
            thru INS is no reason for HArdship to the applicant

            Rest is upto u


            • #7
              Re: Not Lying

              What about your friends who were rejected?
              Can you please provide more background (aprx. date, consulate, did they send I-824 approval notice?, did they have to wait for NVC?)

              The consulate in Mumbai handled AC I-140 on the basis of hardship. I don't think this applies to other consulates, especially from non over-subscribed countries, some of which have been doing AC I-140 prior to state department memo.





