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I-134 Oath statements

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  • I-134 Oath statements

    Hi, I'm getting tremendous help on this site.

    Just wanted to make sure about the correct typing of what is at the bottom of I-134 forms.

    There are statements saying as follows:

    Subscribed and sworn to (affirmed) before me this ___ day of ___________, _______ at ____________________. My commission expires on _____________
    Signature of Officer Administering Oath ________________ Title ___________

    Now, I have 5 blanks to be filled out plus 2 for Notary Public to fill out (the last 2 blanks).
    Could anyone give me an example for the first 5 blanks? I know I'm asking stupid questions, but just wanted to know what it should be since I'm preparing the rest of process myself withour attorney's help.

    Any comment greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    All five of those blanks will be filled by the Notary. For eg: 19th day of February 2001 at Houston, Texas. My comm... on Feb 19, 2002





