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Non-Availability BC..Sincere request to all of U

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  • Non-Availability BC..Sincere request to all of U

    Hi all,
    Please respond to this message soon. The whole packet III process went like this and please help. Please go thru' this considering the fact that I don't have a Birth Certificate(BC) and a marriage certificate(MC) right now.And now I am in USA and I requested my parents to collect the BC for me(getting MC is not a problem as we can go there and register during our interview time) and they told me that it wn't be aproblem to get the BC and my Birth year is 1965. My Wife and son has all there BCs. But I don't have.

    1. My attorney filled up my OF-169 form checking for both Birth Certificate and NOn-availabilty birth certificate and sent to me for my signature
    2. I asked her why did he checked my Non-availability certificate when I can produce the BC hoping that I would get the BC when I will be in India for my interview.
    3. I don't know what she did. She asked me to sign on and send the form and I sent it to her after signing
    4. Now the PKT III is in Mumbai
    5.Recently I came to from my father that getting a BC is difficult as there is no law to issue a BC to a person when his/her birth year falls between 65 to 69. This was told to him by the magistrate when he was doing an afidavit to get the BC. So he needs to file a case in high court to make it a law.
    6. Now I asked my father to collecta non-availabilty certificate from the hospital.
    7. Since it is an oridinary hospital an dthey did not have any official non_available BC, they just typed in the contents of non-availabilty certificate on a paper and got the official seal of "Registra of birtrhs and deaths" an dthe officla signature
    8. I have two affivavits from my dad and mom
    9. My case is still with high court to decide and I don't know how long it would take to get a verdict

    THis is my situation. I don't know what to do now. I don't know if Mumbai Consulate will accept the paper typed Non-availabilty certificate and two affidavits plus my school Certificate in lieu of the BC. I am in a total tension. So please help if you have any advices

    The most important thing is I don't have much time now.

    So please help me please


  • #2
    Hi Meenu,

    I do sympathise with you but you must take this rationally.

    1. Non availability certs are not valid (info from Chennai)If you are able to get an official seal of the registrar of births and deaths and an official signature form the hospital, can you get a letter "confirming" your birth with the same seal and signature?

    2. Is there really documented information that there is no law about BCs between 65 & 69. Can your Dad retrive that information either by asking those creeps(the magistrate and the admins guy) where this info in writing can be found. Or can they give it to you in writing what they said?You can then produce that written proof to the consulate that you are unable to produce the BC due to the provision such-and-such on the basis of which they are not issuing the BC.

    I know the above two situations are a frustrating experience in India especially making your Dad run around these govt offices dealing with these sick guys.

    3. Have you considered another magistrate or as I read in some other chain, an affidavit from a notary passed throgh Chennai consulate. Can a similar affidavit from another magistrate or notary help get the BC out of the registrar's office?

    4. You mentioned that you have filed a case in the high court. Keep copies of that case and show it in the consulate that since you were unable to get the BC you have followed the procedure laid down by the law of the land.

    Just document all your efforts to get a BC and show it as proof that you have sincerely tried. Good luck and don't panic. You wouldn't want your wife and kid to share your panic, do you?






