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Birth Certificate...No municipality

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  • Birth Certificate...No municipality

    I belong to a remote village. Where should I get my birth certificate?? There is no municipality there. WHat is the equivalent there in India?

  • #2
    When BC is not available


    Looks like an affadavit is your way out. Read the stuff I cut and paste for your benefit. This is for Chennai, I believe it may hold good for Mumbai too, your consular district.


    A person born in India or Pakistan must present the registration certificate if his birth was registered. If it was not registered, either in the locality or, if a Christian, in a church, sworn affidavits may be submitted. Such an affidavit must be executed before an official authorized to take oaths (i.e., a magistrate, commissioner of oaths, justice of the peace or the like) by the mother. If she is deceased the father may swear to the affidavit. The affidavit should indicate:

    that the applicant's birth was not registered;
    the full maiden name of the mother of the applicant;
    the full name of the father of the applicant;
    the date of the applicant's binh;
    the place of the applicant's birth.
    If neither parent is alive, the next closest relative, who was old enough and of such relationship as to have personal knowledge of the birth at the time and place it occurred, may execute the affidavit.
    A statement from the Embassy or High Commission concerning your birth is not acceptable.
    A person who has used a different name from the one shown on the birth certificate, must produce a document explaining the use of such name. The following documents are commonly available as evidence:

    Baptismal certificate
    Deed Poll
    School records showing early use of adopted name.
    If none of the foregoing documents are available, any other document, or combination of documents, which appear to resolve the differenct in names will be considered. Your ptnonal sworn statement is not accqHable unless there is other evidence to substantiate it.


    • #3
      Birth Certificate...No municipality

      Most definitly even the most remote villages will fall under the jurisdiction of a registerar office of Births & deaths ( India enacted a law in 1971).

      So you have to find out where that office is, it maybe miles away but most definitly exist. Check with the local panchayath if there is no municipality.

      Just an Affadafit alone is not sufficient. You must get a letter from the authority that a record of you birth does not exist or has been destroyed. That is supplimented with an AFFadavit


      • #4

        XKuger is right. Find out the district headquarters of the village to which you belong. There will be a registrar's office there.


        • #5
          Thanks all!!! Let me find out that office nearby. Is it possible if I get a birth certificate from the district collector. I can do that.



          • #6
            BC or Non Availablity certificate

            Your Distt will have an office of Registrar of Birth and death records. Send some one to this registrar office and he/she can find a person who handles this BC matter, He will give you an application form, which you have to fill up in Indian language, then he will tell you to come after 2-3 days. ( now he wants bribe) so give him some bribe. He will keep your BC or Non availablity ready in 2-3 days as he has to get it signed by his officer. IF you are from NORTH INDIA/Gujrat do not tell him that you need it for USA, they will ask for more bribe, better tell them it is for GOVT JOB. Once you recieve this do not forget to get it translated in English and get 3-4 copies stamped by any Notary public as TRUE COPY. But you can also get it translated in USA.
            Hope this helps


            • #7
              forget to add

              Sorry, I forget to add that still you need 2 affidavits from your parents or relatives if you get Non Availability certificate.


              • #8
                This is damn clear now. Thanks Raman!!!!


                • #9
                  Birth and death certificate

                  I suppose to submit the birth certificate for my Green card processing.

                  I am trying to trace the Birth and death registration office in chennai.
                  If anybody know the web link to see the Birth and death registration location details, please pass to me.

                  Thanks in advance.



                  • #10
                    Read https://www.immihelp.com/birth-certi...ion-and-visas/
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