Dear People. I would like to authorize one of my family memebrs in India to do the dealings on my behalf, for which I have the power of attorney (would be referred to as POA goign forward) prepared and has to get it attested form the Indian Embassy. I have certains concerns and questions regarding the same, please help me. Thank You for your time and help.
1) My POA is 6 pages long, and builder needs me to get the attestation(stamp) from Embassy on all pages. Website says $20 money order for POA attestation. Would I have to make moey order for $120 (20*6) to get attestaion on 6 pages? or would it be $20 per application irrespective of no. of pages.?
2) I am planning to get the poa notarized at a local bank here and send it over to Indian Embassy, NY (I live in OH), via Fed-Ex overnight along with my Original Passport (website says required), and other supporting doc (if any). Is this okay? recomended? am a bit hesitant to send the passport via post, butt here seems to be no way unless i make my self present at the counter at the Embassy, which is not possible at present. Please help.
3) last question, in the miscellaneous service application, there is a questiont hats asks me if am registerd with the embassy and if not then am i a member of any organization? am "no" to both,would it matter? what needs to be written here?
Thank You for your time and help. greatly appreciate this.
1) My POA is 6 pages long, and builder needs me to get the attestation(stamp) from Embassy on all pages. Website says $20 money order for POA attestation. Would I have to make moey order for $120 (20*6) to get attestaion on 6 pages? or would it be $20 per application irrespective of no. of pages.?
2) I am planning to get the poa notarized at a local bank here and send it over to Indian Embassy, NY (I live in OH), via Fed-Ex overnight along with my Original Passport (website says required), and other supporting doc (if any). Is this okay? recomended? am a bit hesitant to send the passport via post, butt here seems to be no way unless i make my self present at the counter at the Embassy, which is not possible at present. Please help.
3) last question, in the miscellaneous service application, there is a questiont hats asks me if am registerd with the embassy and if not then am i a member of any organization? am "no" to both,would it matter? what needs to be written here?
Thank You for your time and help. greatly appreciate this.