My dad visited the USA in 2007 and have done so for the past 15 years.
In 2007 he over satyed 3 days because he was sick and not feeling well.
I have since filled for him has a immigrant visa appointment this month.
Will this overstay be grounds for denial, if not, what can I do to be proactive, like write a letter on, his behalf and get a doctors letter from his physician.
when my mom went to renew her visa in 2007 as part of the requirement she had my dad's pasport with her, she (counceler asked to se my dad's pasport)when the counceler saw he overstayed; she cancelled both of them from traveling.
They sent a letter asking for the leagal permison for the over stay and that his bills were taken care off, I did pay cash fo all hids visits(I have this in a letter) but i dont have the permission for that 3 day overstay; but he was sick(Chronic Asthma) and did not see the doctor.
My dad visited the USA in 2007 and have done so for the past 15 years.
In 2007 he over satyed 3 days because he was sick and not feeling well.
I have since filled for him has a immigrant visa appointment this month.
Will this overstay be grounds for denial, if not, what can I do to be proactive, like write a letter on, his behalf and get a doctors letter from his physician.
when my mom went to renew her visa in 2007 as part of the requirement she had my dad's pasport with her, she (counceler asked to se my dad's pasport)when the counceler saw he overstayed; she cancelled both of them from traveling.
They sent a letter asking for the leagal permison for the over stay and that his bills were taken care off, I did pay cash fo all hids visits(I have this in a letter) but i dont have the permission for that 3 day overstay; but he was sick(Chronic Asthma) and did not see the doctor.