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I-864 Help

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  • I-864 Help

    Hello all,
    I need help with some specific questions on the I-864. I have filed taxes for 2 out of the previous 3 years (I was a student, and not working 3 years ago). So in the sections where it asks for the specific incomes for the past 3 years, I put my income for the first 2 years, but $0 for the 3rd year. Did I do that correctly? My question is: on the question where it asks, "did you file taxes for the past 3 years" do I put "no?" since on the 3rd year I did not?

  • #2
    You put "No" for Part 6 item 23a. You would check the box in Part 6 item 25 and attach a statement about your income that year not meeting the threshold to be required to file, and per the instructions, you would put "N/A" in the total income for that year in Part 6 item 24a-c.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
      Oh my gosh, thank you so much! How do I attach the statement? I was just going to upload the form to CEAC, and I don't see a place for additional attachments.





