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  • #31
    Originally posted by GeoMac View Post
    Thank you dear Krishan8
    Any news on your front? I wish and pray that the IL comes ASAP for your daughter in law.
    Waiting for IL. Hopefully soon.
    When you come to US, would you be located on east coast ? If so, we should meet. We live in Maryland.


    • #32
      My parents case was approved by NVC in mid June and waiting on them to schedule their interview? Anyone knows the current wait time at Mumbai location?



      • #33
        Dear NishaGaneshArvind
        Thank you for the message and good words that you wrote about me. Frankly speaking I do not deserve all that. I am just trying to help others. In your case, I see my daughter who was waiting for her visa as a newly wedded girl.
        If your husband has changed his job, don’t worry. If he uploads his new job letter and last two pay stubs, it will work, rather it will work better because in your interview the visa officer will have that information before hand and so he might not even ask for hard copies. However I advise you carry those new documents also along with the documents already uploaded earlier. Please carry in your plastic bag all birthday greeting cards, marriage anniversary cards and all postal/Courrier covers (sent by your hubby) with your address on it. Bank transaction papers, photos of your marriage and all functions in which you both are seen and along with other family members. Photos of your visits of places, air tickets, hotel bookings, phone call logs etc.
        ( I saw a marriage picture of a young husband and wife from a reasonably well to do family, sitting in plastic chairs wearing single Garland each, a clear evidence of unreal marriage. Visa officers are intelligent enough to make out what is genuine and what is not.) When you are holding a big bunch of docs and pics in your hand, the visa officer even will not ask you to show the docs.
        About your passport : Carry all your old passports with you.If there is US visitors visa in your passport, officer will cancel that visa and return that passport back to you. At biometrics and at Medicals you need to give copies of your new passport. At visa interview also give your new passport. Officer will not ask you why different passport? Did you get Police Clearance Certificate from Regional Passport Office? That is the only valid PCC. PCC is valid for two years. If you have lived abroad for more than an year then you got to obtain a “NO TRACE” certificate from that country. Thank you and all the best for your interview.
        Last edited by GeoMac; 07-18-2022, 01:16 PM.


        • #34
          VISA CLASS: F21
          Documentarily complete on 08-Apr-2021
          Still Waiting for IL


          • #35
            Spouse F21 , Documentarily complete on 08/Apr/21 , Still waiting for an Interview letter from NVC for Mumbai


            • #36
              Any recent IL's ?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Krishan8 View Post
                Any recent IL's ?
                I have no idea as of now of any ILs in any category. Now I am watching for any movement in IR1/CR1 category. As a matter of fact I was eager to know about your case. NishaGaneshArvind DQed Dec21 got interview and I thought yours DQ being Jan2022 would have had an IL.


                • #38
                  Dear NishaGaneshArvind
                  I wish you success as you go for your IV Interview today. May God bless you and guide you throughout the interview and may you succeed in getting your visa.


                  • #39
                    Wanted to add our CR1 case to get an idea when we will get the Interview Letter (IL)

                    Mar 2021: US naturalized citizen married to Indian citizen. Both divorced earlier.
                    May 2021: I-130 approved.
                    Feb 2022: Documentarily Qualified by NVC
                    Waiting for interview.

                    Have contacted the local congressman and governor but to no avail, embassy said it's in the queue and will be processed as per the order received.
                    I thought US citizens don't need to wait for any visa bulletin or visas to be available?
                    Anyone in a similar situation? Please advise.


                    • #40
                      Dear jay2022,

                      My daughter-in-law has DQD of January 2022, CR1. Still waiting for interview letter.
                      There seems to be a major dysfunction in the system.
                      Hang in there.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Krishan8 View Post
                        Dear jay2022,

                        My daughter-in-law has DQD of January 2022, CR1. Still waiting for interview letter.
                        There seems to be a major dysfunction in the system.
                        Hang in there.
                        Thanks Krishnan8!


                        • #42
                          My DIL got her IL on Nov 21. Interview date Jan 25, 2023.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Krishan8 View Post
                            My DIL got her IL on Nov 21. Interview date Jan 25, 2023.
                            That’s amazing news! Waiting for ours as well eagerly.


                            • #44
                              I also came across this site that has more users posting their details and has a timeline as well
                              The US Visa Immigration Timelines for India allow you to track your US Visa and Immigration case and get estimated approval dates.


                              • #45
                                So far I have filed everything on my own, and we are DQ’ed Feb 2022, and waiting for IL, does it make any sense to hire a lawyer now? Will they be able to expedite anything?





