Hello Immihelp,
I want to Thank you so much for the greatest and best website for VISA information. It must be a real tough job for you to read hundreds of posts daily and reply everyone in most helpful way.
I just wanted to add a note of thanks. Also I must say that the forum GUI is really so nice and it loads so fast even for dialup users. Also There are no flash banners or ads except a few which are only helpful and I click on them to show support.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful forum and keeping all this for Free.
I urge other members to add their note of thanks as well because this is the only way to show respect and express how thankful we are
Best luck to the site and have a nice time all visitors ... May everyone get the VISA'S they apply for
I want to Thank you so much for the greatest and best website for VISA information. It must be a real tough job for you to read hundreds of posts daily and reply everyone in most helpful way.

I just wanted to add a note of thanks. Also I must say that the forum GUI is really so nice and it loads so fast even for dialup users. Also There are no flash banners or ads except a few which are only helpful and I click on them to show support.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful forum and keeping all this for Free.
I urge other members to add their note of thanks as well because this is the only way to show respect and express how thankful we are

Best luck to the site and have a nice time all visitors ... May everyone get the VISA'S they apply for
