My child( son) was born to US citizen father and Green card holder mother in India and acquired his US citizenship by birth as father is a US citizen and was issued his US passport at Chennai US consulate
My husband has filled the form and got the copies and i plan to post it tomorrow as i have been delaying for past 1 month and plan to travel to India soon after he gets his visa. But i see some mistakes in the form like
1) My husband has not used all BLOCK letters to fill the form( they are not in CAPITAL) and hence wud not match the surname/given name as per passport since in passport they use all CAPITAL letters. Infact he has never used BLOCK letters throughout the formIs it okay to be so?
2)For Q 24 (a)(Whether the applicant or his/her parents or grandparents
or great grandparents was born and was permanently
resident in India as defined in the Government of India
Act, 1935 * at any time {please see instruction (1) }. If
so, following details may be indicated
(b) Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
(c) Place of birth
i am currently a green card holder and my husband is US citizen, but both me and my husband were born and residents in India, so should we mention "YES both Parents" and fill one of our Date of birth and place of birth under 24 (b) and 24(c). My husband has filled N/A as anyway we wud be providing and also mentioning that we parents are from India in other questions and also providing passport copy.Is it okay to be N/A or shud i change it?
3)for Q20(d) my son's US passport was issued in Chennai US consulate,but my husband has filled "USA" in the form to this question. Should we mention "United State Department of States" or is it okay to fill USA.
Please suggest as i will hold on to post tomorrow and change the form if any of these answers differ saying its not okay.
My husband has filled the form and got the copies and i plan to post it tomorrow as i have been delaying for past 1 month and plan to travel to India soon after he gets his visa. But i see some mistakes in the form like
1) My husband has not used all BLOCK letters to fill the form( they are not in CAPITAL) and hence wud not match the surname/given name as per passport since in passport they use all CAPITAL letters. Infact he has never used BLOCK letters throughout the formIs it okay to be so?
2)For Q 24 (a)(Whether the applicant or his/her parents or grandparents
or great grandparents was born and was permanently
resident in India as defined in the Government of India
Act, 1935 * at any time {please see instruction (1) }. If
so, following details may be indicated

(b) Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
(c) Place of birth
i am currently a green card holder and my husband is US citizen, but both me and my husband were born and residents in India, so should we mention "YES both Parents" and fill one of our Date of birth and place of birth under 24 (b) and 24(c). My husband has filled N/A as anyway we wud be providing and also mentioning that we parents are from India in other questions and also providing passport copy.Is it okay to be N/A or shud i change it?
3)for Q20(d) my son's US passport was issued in Chennai US consulate,but my husband has filled "USA" in the form to this question. Should we mention "United State Department of States" or is it okay to fill USA.
Please suggest as i will hold on to post tomorrow and change the form if any of these answers differ saying its not okay.