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unsure of process for OCI for my dad and want to confirmation some facts

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  • unsure of process for OCI for my dad and want to confirmation some facts


    My dad has a Canadian passport. Back when he first immigrated to England in the 60's and after he acquired British passport he had to surrender his Indian Passport (the original one that he came to England as a little boy with). He has a Canadian Passport, Brithish passport and his landed Canadian papers that all indicate that his was born in India.
    He tried to look for his birth certificate, but the search the concluded in "record not found" status.

    I have heard 'surrender certificate' mentioned, should my dad apply for this?
    Or are teh Canadain passport and landed document enough?

    Also my second question is that a friend of mine is telling me not to apply for the OCI as if (god forbid) you get invovled in any legal matters you are treated like an Indian citizen and not like the Canadian citizen that you are.
    My concern is that I come from a very hot headed family when it comes to inhertiances and property and sometimes your enemies are actually your close relateives

    I would not want any trouble in INdia and in the event something were to happen I would want to be treated like an Indian citizen, is there any truth to what she says (she said that there is a part that how you are treated is mentioend in the application - i can honestly say I've haven 't seen this).

    Please advise.

    Thank you
    Completely confused on what to do next.




