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BLS - Applying OCI and Renunciation together

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  • BLS - Applying OCI and Renunciation together

    Hi All,
    The BLS web site has conflicting information on Applying OCI and Renunication together. One page says it's allowed and one other page says it cannot be done.

    Does anyone have direct info on this from BLS. I tried calling but not able to get through.


  • #2
    If one can submit OCI and Renunciation application together then how do we add up the fees ?
    Travista had the service of order form on their website but BLS doesn't have any features like that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ankitc View Post
      If one can submit OCI and Renunciation application together then how do we add up the fees ?
      Travista had the service of order form on their website but BLS doesn't have any features like that.
      I have the same question. Can someone answer it please?


      • #4
        I made separate MO payments for OCI and Renuniciation. Though they were mailed in the same envelope, I put them as separate packages with all supporting docs duplicated.
        BLS confirmed that they forwarded the app to Indian Consulate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cimtrae View Post
          I made separate MO payments for OCI and Renuniciation. Though they were mailed in the same envelope, I put them as separate packages with all supporting docs duplicated.
          BLS confirmed that they forwarded the app to Indian Consulate.

          I'm also planning to apply for OCI/Renunciation at the same time and will be sending in one envelope. Appreciate if someone can clarify the below,as BLS reps are giving contradicting answers every time i call them.

          1. Do we need to send return shipping label for OCI as i'm not going to send US passport now. US passport is to be sent only on step2
          2. How many return shipping label is required for Renunciation? 1 or 2
          3. Do we need to affix shipping label generated by BLS outside Fedex packet? I will be sending OCI/Renunciation for me and my wife in a single packet and im not even sure whether i will enough space to affix all the 4 shipping labels that BLS generates after completing order form for OCI & Renunciation.

          Any help/guidance provided is much appreciated..




          • #6
            1. Yes.
            2. One.
            3. Yes, one per person to be affixed on outside of fedex packet. When you do a combined order form for OCI & Renunciation, BLS generates a combo shipping label that says "OCI + Renunciation". So you will only have 2 labels.

            Originally posted by svganesh View Post

            I'm also planning to apply for OCI/Renunciation at the same time and will be sending in one envelope. Appreciate if someone can clarify the below,as BLS reps are giving contradicting answers every time i call them.

            1. Do we need to send return shipping label for OCI as i'm not going to send US passport now. US passport is to be sent only on step2
            2. How many return shipping label is required for Renunciation? 1 or 2
            3. Do we need to affix shipping label generated by BLS outside Fedex packet? I will be sending OCI/Renunciation for me and my wife in a single packet and im not even sure whether i will enough space to affix all the 4 shipping labels that BLS generates after completing order form for OCI & Renunciation.

            Any help/guidance provided is much appreciated..




            • #7
              OCI+Renunciation for Wife & Me

              I have similar questions and BLS customer service responses are as confusing as their website

              My wife and I are applying for OCI + Renunciation together.
              Can someone please reply with exact numbers for these questions:

              1. How many return shipping envelopes should I include with my application: 1 common for everything or total 2 : 1 for both OCIs and one for both Renunciations?
              2. How does the order form work? If I select OCI+Renunciation, then will it generate 2 order forms for me?
              3. Should I fill 2 order forms: one with my Wife's passport number and one for me?
              4. The online order form does not show $3 ICWF fee for renunciation. So, when I apply for OCI and Renunciation together, what is the correct renunciation fee? is it $179.7 or is it $182.7?
              5. What is the easiest way to buy/generate Airway Bill numbers? And how can I buy return shipping labels?
              6. The instruction says
              "Make sure you paste the shipping label on the postal package. The shipping label is generated and emailed after you fill the order form."
              So, I am confused. What is the shipping label? How is it different than the Airway Bill No. that I need to buy before filling the order form? What should I buy for the Airway Bill No.? Won't FedEx or UPS provide me a shipping label when I buy shipping from them to get the Airway Bill No.?

              Thank you very much!

              Originally posted by kool_maverik View Post
              1. Yes.
              2. One.
              3. Yes, one per person to be affixed on outside of fedex packet. When you do a combined order form for OCI & Renunciation, BLS generates a combo shipping label that says "OCI + Renunciation". So you will only have 2 labels.
              Last edited by snehanshu; 11-17-2013, 12:37 PM.


              • #8
                1. A single return shipping envelope for a family application.
                2. It will generate a single BLS Order form.
                3. One BLS order form per applicant.
                4. 182.70.
                5. Create an account on ups or fedex, and then generate 2 shipping labels (one onward, the other return), which will give you the airway bill no. (tracking #).
                6. When you fill in the BLS order form and submit, you will get an email with an order form and a shipping label. This is not a real shipping label, rather it is a small piece of paper (they print out to about a 2"x2" size) with your name and a barcode, etc, to be used by BLS when they receive your application. Since you will fill out one BLS order form per applicant (per item 3 above), you will get one shipping label from BLS per applicant. Affix these labels to the back of the onward envelope.

                Originally posted by snehanshu View Post
                I have similar questions and BLS customer service responses are as confusing as their website

                My wife and I are applying for OCI + Renunciation together.
                Can someone please reply with exact numbers for these questions:

                1. How many return shipping envelopes should I include with my application: 1 common for everything or total 2 : 1 for both OCIs and one for both Renunciations?
                2. How does the order form work? If I select OCI+Renunciation, then will it generate 2 order forms for me?
                3. Should I fill 2 order forms: one with my Wife's passport number and one for me?
                4. The online order form does not show $3 ICWF fee for renunciation. So, when I apply for OCI and Renunciation together, what is the correct renunciation fee? is it $179.7 or is it $182.7?
                5. What is the easiest way to buy/generate Airway Bill numbers? And how can I buy return shipping labels?
                6. The instruction says
                "Make sure you paste the shipping label on the postal package. The shipping label is generated and emailed after you fill the order form."
                So, I am confused. What is the shipping label? How is it different than the Airway Bill No. that I need to buy before filling the order form? What should I buy for the Airway Bill No.? Won't FedEx or UPS provide me a shipping label when I buy shipping from them to get the Airway Bill No.?

                Thank you very much!


                • #9
                  Thank you and a follow-up/confirmation question

                  Thank you very much!
                  Can you please clarify #1?
                  Should I include only one return envelope even though I am requesting for 2 services (OCI and Renunciation) for 2 people of the same family?
                  It does make sense, but I just want to confirm that this is correct and that I don't need to send any additional return envelopes for Renunciation or other family applicants.
                  I want to confirm because when I called the BLS customer service, they replied that I should send 4 return envelopes!!

                  Originally posted by kool_maverik View Post
                  1. A single return shipping envelope for a family application.
                  2. It will generate a single BLS Order form.
                  3. One BLS order form per applicant.
                  4. 182.70.
                  5. Create an account on ups or fedex, and then generate 2 shipping labels (one onward, the other return), which will give you the airway bill no. (tracking #).
                  6. When you fill in the BLS order form and submit, you will get an email with an order form and a shipping label. This is not a real shipping label, rather it is a small piece of paper (they print out to about a 2"x2" size) with your name and a barcode, etc, to be used by BLS when they receive your application. Since you will fill out one BLS order form per applicant (per item 3 above), you will get one shipping label from BLS per applicant. Affix these labels to the back of the onward envelope.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by snehanshu View Post
                    Thank you very much!
                    Can you please clarify #1?
                    Should I include only one return envelope even though I am requesting for 2 services (OCI and Renunciation) for 2 people of the same family?
                    It does make sense, but I just want to confirm that this is correct and that I don't need to send any additional return envelopes for Renunciation or other family applicants.
                    I want to confirm because when I called the BLS customer service, they replied that I should send 4 return envelopes!!
                    I sent a single return envelope, and from what I read on these forums, most other people did the same thing. I had OCI+Renunciation as well.


                    • #11
                      The number of Money Orders required for Family Application

                      Originally posted by kool_maverik View Post
                      I sent a single return envelope, and from what I read on these forums, most other people did the same thing. I had OCI+Renunciation as well.

                      I have a question as to how many money orders I need to send with my application. My situation is as follows:

                      Mother - New OCI Card Application + Renunciation ($282.70 + $29.70)
                      Son (minor) - OCI Application only ($282.70)
                      Both will be sent via a Family application

                      Do I send (1) Money Order for the Grand Total of $595.10


                      (1) Money Order for $282.70 + $29.70 ($312.40) AND (1) Money Order for $282.70

                      I want to make sure I get this right and would appreciate a response. Thanks in advance for all your help.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by scammy View Post

                        I have a question as to how many money orders I need to send with my application. My situation is as follows:

                        Mother - New OCI Card Application + Renunciation ($282.70 + $29.70)
                        Son (minor) - OCI Application only ($282.70)
                        Both will be sent via a Family application

                        Do I send (1) Money Order for the Grand Total of $595.10


                        (1) Money Order for $282.70 + $29.70 ($312.40) AND (1) Money Order for $282.70

                        I want to make sure I get this right and would appreciate a response. Thanks in advance for all your help.

                        I have been trying to contact BLS NY office for the past week or so and looks like there contact information is not right or working...

                        I would appreciate if you can answer my questions as couple of you recently applied for OCI and I am trying to apply for the same along with renunciation..

                        OCI questions -
                        1. Family Signatures on OCI part-b application. There are 2 lines on part b and there are boxes for parent's signature in case of minor childern. Since we are applying as family of 4 and all 4 signatures are required per instructions, where can all of us sign since there are only 2 lines? Should parents just sign or does kids need to sign as well?

                        2. For renunciation is there separate online form or I just check the box when I fill out for OCI card?

                        3. Since we are sending one envelope as a family what should the airway bill no. be for the prepaid delivery.

                        Should I fill the same outgoing tracking no. on all BLS order forms and take multiple return envelopes and use one each for each of us?

                        4. I have taken separate cashier checks for renunciation fees and OCI fees..can I give multiple cashier check nos on online order form or should I take one cashier check?

                        5. Can we discard the current OCI application for family and start over as individual application as that process seems to be straight forward instead of family application?

                        6. How many sets of documents do we need to send if applying for renunciation and OCI? I see that 2 sets is mandatory..but since we are applying for OCI and renunciation, do I send 4?

                        Thanks in advance for your help. I would appreciate if you can respond back soon.






