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India Tourist Visa + Renunciation

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  • India Tourist Visa + Renunciation


    Me, my wife and our kid have recently acquired US citizenship and we have a plan to travel to India in mid June for a 3 week trip to meet family.

    Like many of you, I have spent a lot of time on the BLS website trying to figure out the requirements. I fall in the New York Jurisdiction area.

    I am hoping to get help from you - folks who have gone through this process in the recent past.

    I have a number of questions but asking for help on a few:

    1. Is there a East Coast based travel agency which can help in getting the visa and the renunciation done for me. If you have gone through this route, please do provide your recommendations. I hope that someone can take care of the hassle for me even of I have to pay them.

    2. In case I have to apply in person (which I am inclined towards), can I get guidance on the below:

    (a) What is the exact fees that I have to make the checks for (1 year Tourist visa + renunciation)

    (b) Do I have to make 6 checks (2 each for each of us); 3 checks (1 for each of us) or 1 consolidated check for all 3 of us

    (c) Do I need any type of notarization for my kid's visa application or surrender certificate ?

    3. My kid does not have a naturalization certificate yet. The website says that a letter from parents describing the circumstances should be attached. Can I get some guidance on what this letter should look like. Is there a template available somewhere ?

    4. In my scenario, how many return packs/labels should I give to them. As per the site they ask for 2 per person (1 for passport with visa return and another for surrender certificate return). So, do I need to give them 6 return packs/labels ?

    I thank you all in advance.

    Best wishes.




