I had applied my passport during May-2013 at the Passport Office in Bhopal, MP (India) under a Tatkal application. I received my passport in June-2013 with a post issuance police verification. Due to my father's health I was away from my address during the police verification and due to which when the police officer visited my home in Indore, I was unavailable. I later had visited the Police station and discussed with the officer who confirmed that everything is fine.
Last week May-2014, I received a show cause notice (at my Indian address) saying that my police verification has an adverse report stating that I was not available at the address and asking of submission of PP forms and affidavit stating the reasons for suppressing the information. In September 2013 I had traveled to the united states on business and am currently finishing work here near Washington DC.
I wanted to know if I can apply for a new passport since I am now in the US with a US address (i possess a US driving license and other address proofs with a valid visa and the current passport which has a SCN). Please confirm on this so that I can visit the BLS office to initiate the procedure.
Last week May-2014, I received a show cause notice (at my Indian address) saying that my police verification has an adverse report stating that I was not available at the address and asking of submission of PP forms and affidavit stating the reasons for suppressing the information. In September 2013 I had traveled to the united states on business and am currently finishing work here near Washington DC.
I wanted to know if I can apply for a new passport since I am now in the US with a US address (i possess a US driving license and other address proofs with a valid visa and the current passport which has a SCN). Please confirm on this so that I can visit the BLS office to initiate the procedure.