Originally posted by Rajagort
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I think a BBB complaint does not do much to affect BLS since they're on their way out of business.
- police complaints
- claims with small claims court
- consumer complaints with the AG, and/or
- lawsuit (individual or class action)
are our best options.
I also think that a petition filed to the Council General of India might help. However we know how things work there. They'll take forever to review and decide, and I don't think it will yield results within any short time-frame. That stated, it could likely be decided in our favor.
I also think raising a hue and cry with the press will help bring it to the mainstream. Perhaps we should send a link of this to the media.
I don't know if there is a chance that the money we paid is going to be accounted for by Cox or the Indian consulate. After all, our entire application (minus the checks of course) was sent back to us without even being logged into the system on Government of India's end. I reached out to Cox and they were not even aware of the fact that our money was missing. They asked me to bring this up with BLS for a refund - sure, fat chance of that yielding any result!