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OCI and Citizenship Renunciation

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  • OCI and Citizenship Renunciation

    Going through documents required for an OCI (Adult) application, there is a section for “Proof of Reununciation of Indian citizenship”, which says that the original Indian passport must be provided if one cannot produce proof of renouncing Indian citizenship. So does this imply that if one acquires US citizenship and then applies for OCI, one would have to send their Indian passport, which then supposedly would come back with the stamp “Cancelled as holder acquired US citizenship”?

    I am trying to analyze how I ended up in this situation: my wife and I acquired US citizenship in mid-2008 and got our OCI cards in late 2008. My Indian passport has the stamp “Cancelled as holder acquired US citizenship”, but my wife’s does not. Is it the Indian consulate’s fault that they did not put the stamp on my wife’s passport at the time of granting the OCI card?

    The problem is that technically my wife cannot produce proof of having renounced Indian citizenship and faces a penalty of $250 because of the rule “If the most recent Indian passport is retained for more than 3 years after acquisition of citizenship of another country, a penalty of $250 is assessed”.

    Any ideas? Am I understanding it wrong?

  • #2
    How did your wife obtain OCI without renouncing back in 2008? Ask the embassy that first.

    Second, when you renounce, you also get a certificate of renunciation (or rather a piece of paper). Do you have that as evidence?

    If you have any proof of application fees or paperwork from 2008, you can show it to them. Otherwise, you may just be better off paying the $250 and getting this over with. Unfortunately, the system continues to get worse, and the embassy is not open to reasoning with anyone


    • #3
      Renunciation and $250 penalty

      Soumya Nanda - I will appreciate if you can provide update on the status of penalty. We have same situation - we got PIO cards shortly after getting US citizenship more than 10 years back but one of the passports was not cancelled and now at time of requesting renunciation certificate GOI / CKGS wants us to pay $250 as penalty.





