Hello My wife had her passport name changed while in india just after we were married. submitted the passport with news clipings and affidavait the Jalandhar passport office made the new passport but put an extra i in her name so instead of monika it was moniika. Once we applied for UK spouse visa, the error was dicovered at UK embasy and visa issued in the moniika name. fast foward in the UK 9 months later went to apply for a US toursit visa, was approved but they said submit a corrected passport with correct name.
So now what should be the best course of action will the indian high commission london carry out a correction or would it mean that i will have to apply for fresh passport with name change etc. Could i use the old newspaper clippings and show a copy of the old affidavit which i kept and show the correct name spelling ? The indian high commision in london are as helpful as a drowning cat. You cant just turn up anymore you have to make an appointment for passport issues now.
Any adivce would be great
So now what should be the best course of action will the indian high commission london carry out a correction or would it mean that i will have to apply for fresh passport with name change etc. Could i use the old newspaper clippings and show a copy of the old affidavit which i kept and show the correct name spelling ? The indian high commision in london are as helpful as a drowning cat. You cant just turn up anymore you have to make an appointment for passport issues now.
Any adivce would be great