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PIO card application - Address in India - Checklist #18

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  • PIO card application - Address in India - Checklist #18

    We are in the process of applying for a PIO card for minor (our son).

    I am getting all the documentation ready and had a quick question on the document checklist item #18.

    Address in India
     If Address in India is different from the one in the Indian passport, proof of new
    address has to be provided

    I and my husband both are Indian citizens and have an Indian passport. However, our Indian passports with the address in India have expired and we got our new passports issued from New York. So our current Indian passports have our USA address on it.

    What are the acceptable documents for proof of address in India. We plan to reside at our parents home.

    Appreciate any help on this.

  • #2
    I believe we can send a photocopy of our expired passports that have the Indian address in them along with the photocopies of our new passport.





