A letter I wanted to share with you all ... An open letter to the Government of India concerning Dual Citizenship:
Every diligent and reasonable person who has studied the new measures contained in the yet-to-be-implemented Overseas Citizenship of India initiative (OCI) agrees that there is no Dual Citizenship. There can be no doubt. OCI is a new visa class that is marginally better to, but in essence not much different from the existing PIO card. In fact some refer to the new measures as the "U Visa class" - because it is really little more than a visa.
Ministers, government officials, the media, even the PM - in their speeches and the highest official papers, continue to refer to OCI as Dual Citizenship.
Dual citizenship has a very specific and unambiguous meaning.
This is directly contradicted in this statement from the Ministry of Home Affairs:
This confusion has meant that many of the 4,000 people who have already applied for the OCI, and the many that will do so once it becomes operational, think they are getting Dual Citizenship.
However the OCI offers no rights or privileges of citizenship. We are being openly misled by bureaucrats, ministers, and the media (reporting on official statements). Surely this is not right.
Even when we do get this much delayed and watered-down "U visa class", the next small step in the right direction, we continue to ask for our original simple request. Dual Citizenship.
GoI, if you are serious about development in India, and the role of Diaspora, please do not continue this half-truth, and implement a full Dual Citizenship of India.
I await your response.
Yours sincerely,
A concerned overseas Indian
Every diligent and reasonable person who has studied the new measures contained in the yet-to-be-implemented Overseas Citizenship of India initiative (OCI) agrees that there is no Dual Citizenship. There can be no doubt. OCI is a new visa class that is marginally better to, but in essence not much different from the existing PIO card. In fact some refer to the new measures as the "U Visa class" - because it is really little more than a visa.
Ministers, government officials, the media, even the PM - in their speeches and the highest official papers, continue to refer to OCI as Dual Citizenship.
Dual citizenship has a very specific and unambiguous meaning.
Main Entry: dual citizenship
Function: noun
: the status of an individual who is a citizen of two or more nations
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Function: noun
: the status of an individual who is a citizen of two or more nations
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously. Based on the recommendation of the High Level committee on Indian Diaspora, the Government of India decided to grant Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) commonly known as ‘Dual Citizenship’.
However the OCI offers no rights or privileges of citizenship. We are being openly misled by bureaucrats, ministers, and the media (reporting on official statements). Surely this is not right.
Even when we do get this much delayed and watered-down "U visa class", the next small step in the right direction, we continue to ask for our original simple request. Dual Citizenship.
GoI, if you are serious about development in India, and the role of Diaspora, please do not continue this half-truth, and implement a full Dual Citizenship of India.
I await your response.
Yours sincerely,
A concerned overseas Indian