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OCI for US born child from Indian mother

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  • OCI for US born child from Indian mother

    I am a US citizen and my wife is Indian citizen with green card. We wanted to give our daughter the option of OCI instead of PIO. We read the procedure as follows:

    1. Register the birth and get Indian passport (we had to do this simultaneously) -- Done
    2. Get Indian birth certificate
    3. If you need to travel back and forth, cancel Indian passport and get US passport.

    We now have an Indian passport for our daughter. The previous list of things to do had us getting an Indian birth certificate, but Tamtom has a post saying you do not need the birth certificate.

    Do we need the indian birth certificate, or is the cancelled pasport enough? We plan to travel back and forth so we will have to cancel the indian passport and get a US passport, but would like to be able to get our daughter an OCI.

    Any help would be greatly apreciated.





