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Converting PIO to OCI as per the new law - Mandatory from June 18th

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  • Converting PIO to OCI as per the new law - Mandatory from June 18th


    On the CKGS Wesite and also on the COnsulate of India website for New York it is posted that all PIO holders (Existing and valid) have to upgrade to OCI. They mention that for the first 3 months it is voluntary but from June 18th 2015 it is Mandatory.

    My question is - On the PIO to OCI conversion checklist they mention to provide proof of Surrender Certificate / REnunciation Certificate. But they haven't mentioned if they need original or copy.

    I believe this should also be the case to convert from PIO to OCI - Can someone please advise on do we need to provide original surrender certificate of copy.

    It does clearly mention to submit original PIO card.


  • #2
    Originally posted by pio2oci View Post

    On the CKGS Wesite and also on the COnsulate of India website for New York it is posted that all PIO holders (Existing and valid) have to upgrade to OCI. They mention that for the first 3 months it is voluntary but from June 18th 2015 it is Mandatory.

    My question is - On the PIO to OCI conversion checklist they mention to provide proof of Surrender Certificate / REnunciation Certificate. But they haven't mentioned if they need original or copy.

    I believe this should also be the case to convert from PIO to OCI - Can someone please advise on do we need to provide original surrender certificate of copy.

    It does clearly mention to submit original PIO card.

    If you are referring to item #13 in the checklist, they mention that only a copy is required.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dce3535 View Post
      If you are referring to item #13 in the checklist, they mention that only a copy is required.

      I'm talking about Item no 18 from the OCI in lieu of PIO card checklist.

      I am a non US passport holder / (Canadian) and want to convert my PIO to OCI.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pio2oci View Post

        On the CKGS Wesite and also on the COnsulate of India website for New York it is posted that all PIO holders (Existing and valid) have to upgrade to OCI. They mention that for the first 3 months it is voluntary but from June 18th 2015 it is Mandatory.

        My question is - On the PIO to OCI conversion checklist they mention to provide proof of Surrender Certificate / REnunciation Certificate. But they haven't mentioned if they need original or copy.

        I believe this should also be the case to convert from PIO to OCI - Can someone please advise on do we need to provide original surrender certificate of copy.

        It does clearly mention to submit original PIO card.

        Hi pio2oci,

        An original certificate isn't necessary for proof of renunciation. You can also use a copy of your old Indian passport where it says "cancelled as acquired (new nationality) nationality ".





