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Conversion from PIO to OCI

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  • #16

    I now see following update on the indianembassy site
    It’s 2021, and it’s time to make some changes. From now on, Indianembassy.org will run under a new name: UKMoney.net. You will find the latest news and honest online broker reviews. Go to the UKMoney.net homepage.  

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    Updated information on requirement of registration for OCI in lieu of PIO cards

    It is hereby informed that applying for an OCI card in lieu of PIO card is optional till further instruction. However, PIO cardholder is encouraged to apply for OCI card in lieu of PIO card at https://passport.gov.in/oci

    PIO cardholder can travel to India on the basis of their valid PIO card and valid foreign passport.

    As announced earlier, PIO card have life-long validity. Endorsement stating that existing PIO card is valid for life would be made at the first immigration point with which the PIO cardholder comes into contact, be it the Indian Mission, FRRO or an immigration check-point. These endorsements/stamps would, however, not be mandatory.
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    So from above link it's clear "OCI card in lieu of PIO card is optional till further instruction".





