A friend just called me from SFO airport, (yeah, I know kind of late.. :-( ) telling that their airline pointed out to
them that the name on their 6 yr old kid's new US passport did not match the name on the OCI. Here is the
sequence of events.
Name1 given
US passport obtained - has Name 1
OCI obtained - has Name 1
Name1 changed to Name2
Old US passport expired (kid turned 5 yrs)
New US passport obtained - has Name 2
Went to airport (today)
Airline points out that OCI name (name1) does not match new US passport name (name2)
They let them board since they were just going to Europe Today.
Then a week later to India.
They tell me they are not even carrying the original name change document, but have a soft copy on the computer.
They have a week in Europe before they head to India.
Now thinking through this, and wondering how to help them.
1. Should I pick up their original name change document from their home and FedEx to Europe?
2. Have them call Indian consulate in Europe and check?
3. Do nothing and they will be fine with soft copy?
Any suggestions and experiences greatly appreciated.
them that the name on their 6 yr old kid's new US passport did not match the name on the OCI. Here is the
sequence of events.
Name1 given
US passport obtained - has Name 1
OCI obtained - has Name 1
Name1 changed to Name2
Old US passport expired (kid turned 5 yrs)
New US passport obtained - has Name 2
Went to airport (today)
Airline points out that OCI name (name1) does not match new US passport name (name2)
They let them board since they were just going to Europe Today.
Then a week later to India.
They tell me they are not even carrying the original name change document, but have a soft copy on the computer.
They have a week in Europe before they head to India.
Now thinking through this, and wondering how to help them.
1. Should I pick up their original name change document from their home and FedEx to Europe?
2. Have them call Indian consulate in Europe and check?
3. Do nothing and they will be fine with soft copy?
Any suggestions and experiences greatly appreciated.