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US Born Indian Citizenship Child Education after 18

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  • US Born Indian Citizenship Child Education after 18


    Question to all who has given or are giving Indian PP for babies

    1. If you are obtaining Indian PP for your child instead of US PP now by registering birth at Indian Consulate, what if child decides to select US Citizenship and give up Indian Citizenship after attaining full age (18 years) then what is the use of holding Indian PP for 18 years - Higher education starts at 18 only in India. So at 18 if child select to be US Citizen (And OCI holder) then still you will hit NRI quota for child.

    If you opt for Indian PP now then Indian Government wants these kids renounce their foreign nationality when they are 18 in order to continue as Indian Citizen. So in short 2 options at 18
    (1) Continue as Indian Citizen by renouncing US Citizenship OR
    (2) Get USA Passport and Surrender Indian PP/Citizenship (And apply OCI)

    I don't understand logic behind getting Indian PP/Citizenship now if anyway at 18 child goes for US Citizenship+OCI then education has to be in NRI Quota

    Any thoughts

  • #2
    Why do you continue to spampost all these messages with the same wording?


    • #3
      Originally posted by daggit View Post
      Why do you continue to spampost all these messages with the same wording?
      No - It's not spam post. Rather intention is to put this question in related threads where people are discussing and taking decisions for there kids future. So they think this point as well and this gets discussed within community.

      If this is not relevant to your / your kids situations you should ignore it this and move on and let other people discuss and raise their opinion.


      • #4
        You can make your point with a post, like everyone else.

        7 posts with the exact same wording is not discussing, it's abusing the privileges on this forum.


        • #5
          Originally posted by daggit View Post
          You can make your point with a post, like everyone else.

          7 posts with the exact same wording is not discussing, it's abusing the privileges on this forum.
          Ok. Merged it to POST.

          By the way do you have any opinion on original questions posted here ? Apart from this ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by cyber_007a View Post
            Ok. Merged it to POST.

            Originally posted by cyber_007a View Post
            By the way do you have any opinion on original questions posted here ? Apart from this ?
            I'm afraid not.





