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Original passport asked on the OCI checklist concern

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  • Original passport asked on the OCI checklist concern

    to all valuable applicants,
    according to the checklist, ask for the current passport at the time of submission, please do not follow. My few customers insist on submitting their current passport have not received it back from CKGS due to their system's competency. In fact, without the current passport will not reject the OCI application. the new process, for OCI reissue, no passport or OCI is required to submit with supporting documents, all copies only.

  • #2
    Originally posted by proonindiandoc View Post
    to all valuable applicants,
    according to the checklist, ask for the current passport at the time of submission, please do not follow. My few customers insist on submitting their current passport have not received it back from CKGS due to their system's competency. In fact, without the current passport will not reject the OCI application. the new process, for OCI reissue, no passport or OCI is required to submit with supporting documents, all copies only.
    CKGS is the official agent of the Indian Consulate. If the CKGS checklist demands passport, it must be submitted.

    Who are you? And why are you advising people not to follow the official instructions? Why in the world would CKGS ask for passport if it is not required? Nobody can be that incompetent.

    And if what you say is true, when exactly are you supposed to submit the passport and approximately how long will they retain it?
    Last edited by ravifremont; 02-01-2017, 05:49 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ravifremont View Post
      CKGS is the official agent of the Indian Consulate. If the CKGS checklist demands passport, it must be submitted.

      Who are you? And why are you advising people not to follow the official instructions? Why in the world would CKGS ask for passport if it is not required? Nobody can be that incompetent.

      And if what you say is true, when exactly are you supposed to submit the passport and approximately how long will they retain it?
      I am the agent handling OCI for the last 5 years. I know what exactly supporting document need for OCI, I have the connection that many of other travel agent doesn't have. I am here to clarify people's confusion which normally I charge people or people will need to pay with their time and effort, with even lose some unnecessary payment out of their pocket. So you do not have to listen to me since we do not have any relationship, it is up to you to follow their checklist.


      • #4

        Yes this was my question also but I will not send in my passport as who knows where it will land.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hereforadvice View Post
          Yes this was my question also but I will not send in my passport as who knows where it will land.
          where are you applying? which application center


          • #6
            Sending Original Passport for OCI

            Originally posted by proonindiandoc View Post
            where are you applying? which application center
            Hi All,

            I believe original passport is being asked only for NY application center. I did apply for 'OCI in lieu of PIO' for my kid and they did ask for original passport of the applicant in the checklist. We did send the original passport of my kid and got it back along with OCI and cancelled PIO. The whole process took only 14 days.

            NY application center is asking for original passport along with all documents as they have eliminated the two step process ie. matching process is done along with the first step.

            Not sending the original passport along with initial set documents may delay the processing. I did get it clarified with CKGS through multiple requests before sending the documents.

            Note: I used CKGS recommended fedex shipping for both sending & receiving the documents.

            If you have any queries, better to ask CKGS as they are replying back within 24 hours.



            • #7
              Originally posted by proonindiandoc View Post
              I am the agent handling OCI for the last 5 years. I know what exactly supporting document need for OCI, I have the connection that many of other travel agent doesn't have. I am here to clarify people's confusion which normally I charge people or people will need to pay with their time and effort, with even lose some unnecessary payment out of their pocket. So you do not have to listen to me since we do not have any relationship, it is up to you to follow their checklist.
              Interesting, but you did not answer the question. It is a very simple one.

              CKGS are the ONLY ones that work directly with the Consulate. Travel agents simply submit to CKGS, which is then forwarded to Consulate.

              Why would CKGS office ask for original passport if it is not required?

              Are you saying that CKGS does not know what it is doing?
              Last edited by ravifremont; 02-22-2017, 03:46 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by pavithara View Post
                Hi All,

                I believe original passport is being asked only for NY application center.
                This is very confusing. I would have expected that all the CKGS centers have the same procedures, but you are saying otherwise.

                Are you saying that your OCI was processed in just 14 days at NY CKGS? The SF CKGS tells me it takes 3 months to process OCI.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ravifremont View Post
                  This is very confusing. I would have expected that all the CKGS centers have the same procedures, but you are saying otherwise.

                  Are you saying that your OCI was processed in just 14 days at NY CKGS? The SF CKGS tells me it takes 3 months to process OCI.
                  Hi Ravi,

                  Yes my kid's OCI in lieu of PIO was processed in 14 days at NY.

                  Yes, the timelines & document checklists are different for each application centers Ex: Few application centers ask for original document, few ask for color photo copies & few ask for self-attested photo copies.

                  Timelines are clearly given in CKGS website http://www.in.ckgs.us/faq. Check under the OCI > Processing time as per categories and Processing time as per jurisdiction.

                  Last edited by pavithara; 02-22-2017, 02:31 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pavithara View Post
                    Hi Ravi,

                    Yes my kid's OCI in lieu of PIO was processed in 14 days at NY.

                    Yes, the timelines & document checklists are different for each application centers Ex: Few application centers ask for original document, few ask for color photo copies & few ask for self-attested photo copies.

                    Timelines are clearly given in CKGS website http://www.in.ckgs.us/faq. Check under the OCI > Processing time as per categories and Processing time as per jurisdiction.

                    Thank you for this information.

                    Also, I called the San Francisco CKGS office and was told only copy of U.S. passport needs to be submitted for OCI, not original.

                    But I am not clear how the OCI is stamped on the passport, if you are not required to submit passport. Do they send you an OCI and you manually
                    stick it on the passport yourself?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ravifremont View Post
                      Thank you for this information.

                      Also, I called the San Francisco CKGS office and was told only copy of U.S. passport needs to be submitted for OCI, not original.

                      But I am not clear how the OCI is stamped on the passport, if you are not required to submit passport. Do they send you an OCI and you manually
                      stick it on the passport yourself?
                      Hi Ravi,

                      OCI is not a sticker anymore. OCI itself is a separate book with few pages (Similar to Passport).

                      Last edited by pavithara; 02-27-2017, 09:48 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pavithara View Post
                        Hi Ravi,

                        OCI is not a sticker anymore. OCI itself is a separate book with few pages (Similar to Passport).

                        I applied for OCI renewal, I need to send Original OCI. Also, the following
                        If your US / Non US Passport has a 'U' Sticker, please send that too along with rest of the documents. Your passport will be returned with your new OCI card.

                        I am not sure if I need to send my old passport which has the U-sticker or should I send my current passport so that they will place the u-sticker.


                        • #13
                          Checklist has the real list

                          Looks like there is some confusion/difference with different consulates. And also depends on in-person vs. mailed, new OCI vs. renewal, minor vs. adult, new or in-lieu-of. Check what is in the checklist that you need to include in the application. That will tell you what exactly you have to do.

                          Here are the different ways it is presented in the checklist (and my comments after the arrow).

                          01 Original & Copy ------> Send original and a copy

                          01 Original ------> Send original

                          01 Copy ------> Send a copy

                          If you have a unique situation, call CKGS and get it clarified.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ravifremont View Post
                            Thank you for this information.

                            Also, I called the San Francisco CKGS office and was told only copy of U.S. passport needs to be submitted for OCI, not original.

                            But I am not clear how the OCI is stamped on the passport, if you are not required to submit passport. Do they send you an OCI and you manually
                            stick it on the passport yourself?
                            I obtained OCI card over 3 years ago. At that time San Francisco CKGS requirement was to send a copy of current (US) passport with the application and after approval, mail-in the actual passport for verification and stamping. They mailed back the whole package about 10 days later, current stamped passoport and the OCI card.
                            Just last week, we applied for OCI card for my wife. We mailed all the paper work including copy of the current passport (just as before). 2-days back she got a status update email from CKGS - saying that my wife's application is put on HOLD, pending receipt of original US passport. They also gave instructions on how to mail it (to be added to submitted paperwork). That means, now the San Francisco CKGS is also eliminating two step process and requiring current passport with OCI application.

                            Please follow document check list strictly OR it will delay the process and cost more due to added FedEx costs.
                            Hope this clears up some questions.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by proonindiandoc View Post
                              to all valuable applicants,
                              according to the checklist, ask for the current passport at the time of submission, please do not follow. My few customers insist on submitting their current passport have not received it back from CKGS due to their system's competency. In fact, without the current passport will not reject the OCI application. the new process, for OCI reissue, no passport or OCI is required to submit with supporting documents, all copies only.
                              Thanks for posting this.
                              I (thought I) made a mistake and submitted without the passport. Got email from ckgs saying original passport is missing. Rushed to mail passport and just before I dropped it off in mail, I now got another email saying its ok, they will continue to process without original passport and everything is in order.

                              Of course at some later point in time they can still ask for it, but at the moment I am holding off on sending it in.





