Hello and with lots of warm greeting
as i read all Documents of Website ministry of home affair at link : http://boi.gov.in/content/overseas-c...oci-cardholder
for applying for OCI card any person who is foreign and at the time live in India except 2 types of VISA (1-missionary 2-mountaineering ) who can proof for Living in India and His/Her Type of VISA has validity with 3 month and can proof His/Her is Now living India (copy of domicile certificate & as Document of Bureau of immigration say :Any other proof substantiating the request
and in >>Never Place Or any governmental Website Explain that Person who Live in India With >>STUDENT VISA<< should NOT or MUST Not be Apply for OCI card
as i my description can person who Live in India with {{ Student VISA }} can apply for OCI Card?
as i read all Documents of Website ministry of home affair at link : http://boi.gov.in/content/overseas-c...oci-cardholder
for applying for OCI card any person who is foreign and at the time live in India except 2 types of VISA (1-missionary 2-mountaineering ) who can proof for Living in India and His/Her Type of VISA has validity with 3 month and can proof His/Her is Now living India (copy of domicile certificate & as Document of Bureau of immigration say :Any other proof substantiating the request
and in >>Never Place Or any governmental Website Explain that Person who Live in India With >>STUDENT VISA<< should NOT or MUST Not be Apply for OCI card
as i my description can person who Live in India with {{ Student VISA }} can apply for OCI Card?