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Applicants Father/Mother Name - OCI Additional Particulars Form

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  • Applicants Father/Mother Name - OCI Additional Particulars Form

    Not sure what happened to my older post so I am posting this question again.

    I just obtained US citizenship and am in the process of applying for OCI and renunciation. I have reviewed the FAQs and the sample OCI that CKGS have on their website. The OCI Additional Particulars form on CKGS website and the Govt OCI application have sections that ask Parental Information.

    However, US Passport does not have this information. Now CKGS states that all information entered should be same as in current passport. When they say current passport , I am assuming that this is US Passport. How do we answer this question? Is it NA or do we enter details from our INDIAN passport?

    18 Name of the Applicant's Father OR Legal Guardian I - As on current Passport
    19 Name of the Applicant's Mother OR Legal Guardian II - As on current Passport

    see attachment also
    Click image for larger version

Name:	SampleOCI_snippet.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	16.5 KB
ID:	591987

    Any advise would be appreciated!

    Thank you
    Best Regards
    AB Dev

  • #2
    Not all

    Originally posted by abdev View Post
    Not sure what happened to my older post so I am posting this question again.

    I just obtained US citizenship and am in the process of applying for OCI and renunciation. I have reviewed the FAQs and the sample OCI that CKGS have on their website. The OCI Additional Particulars form on CKGS website and the Govt OCI application have sections that ask Parental Information.

    However, US Passport does not have this information. Now CKGS states that all information entered should be same as in current passport. When they say current passport , I am assuming that this is US Passport. How do we answer this question? Is it NA or do we enter details from our INDIAN passport?

    18 Name of the Applicant's Father OR Legal Guardian I - As on current Passport
    19 Name of the Applicant's Mother OR Legal Guardian II - As on current Passport

    see attachment also

    Any advise would be appreciated!

    Thank you
    Best Regards
    AB Dev
    Passports don't carry all the information in the application forms. Match only those that are in the passport.


    • #3
      Thank you!

      Originally posted by Liberty48 View Post
      Passports don't carry all the information in the application forms. Match only those that are in the passport.
      Thank you so much. Really appreciate it.





