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Citizenship in india

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  • Citizenship in india


    I am living in India from 1983 as Sri lankan tamil refugee. We are getting special registration/permit from 1996. I am renewing this every six months. Trichy district in Tamilnadu is my grand father's place and my grand father is a citizen of India. I have proof for my grand father citizenship and document for properties of grand father which my father have stake. Can you please tell me whether I am eligible to apply OCI or should I try for citizenship. Can anybody advice how should I proceed further .

    Thank you,
    Best Regards,

  • #2
    Originally posted by satvelucbe

    I am living in India from 1983 as Sri lankan tamil refugee. We are getting special registration/permit from 1996. I am renewing this every six months. Trichy district in Tamilnadu is my grand father's place and my grand father is a citizen of India. I have proof for my grand father citizenship and document for properties of grand father which my father have stake. Can you please tell me whether I am eligible to apply OCI or should I try for citizenship. Can anybody advice how should I proceed further .

    Thank you,
    Best Regards,
    See /oci-card/ for the details on OCI.

    Here's what I understood from these sources:

    If you or one of your parents were born in India or were formerly Indian citizens, you are eligible for citizenship by registration. If you have had residential permits for the last 14 years, you are eligible for citizenship by naturalization.

    If those cases don't apply, you are eligible for OCI based on your grandfather's Indian citizenship.

    You can find the application forms and instructions on the above web sites.

    Hope this helps,



    • #3
      Thanks tomtom, I understand the following from sources. I have two options,
      1.Apply citizenship through normalization
      2.Apply for OCI using grand father citizenship

      I believe the first option is the right one for me. I will try to contact immgration officers here,

      thanks again
      Sathishkumar velu





