And perhaps as the final step for former Indian nationals - my family and I received the OCI registrations.
The OCI application process is more involved than the PIO card. I had applied for a PIO for my son and we received it within two weeks from the consulate (Houston). But the OCI took much longer - I started the process in the first week of July and I got the registration and Visa in the third week of August - the process spanned about 7 weeks.
Here's the process involved, in brief: After receiving the US passport, first I made an on-line registration - this is Part A of the application. A single registration is OK for a family of four (parents and kids under 18). A file reference number is provided at this time. I then downloaded Part B of the application forms. Here, one needs to provide the details of nationality and how one is claiming to be a person of Indian origin. At this time of initial submission to the consulate only copies of documents such as passports and proof of current citizenship, and passport photos are required. The fee is $275.
The Counsulate sends this information to be processed in India. The silver lining is that one can follow the progress of the file/registration on-line such as when the documents were received, what is happening in India, like scanning of photos, signature, when the OCI registration is granted, printing of documents after granting of OCI, desptch of documents from India and so on. Talk about progress!!! It takes about a month for the process in India and then the documents/details of registration info are sent back to the Consulate. The Consulate then sent me an email asking me to submit the original US Passport and the original Indian passport. I received back the original US passport with an Indian visa sticker that says it is a lifelong visa for multiple entries. A second document which looks like a passport is also provided (This is the OCI registration document). The Indian passport is cancelled and returned. The consulate requires about two weeks to process after the original passports are received.
I used only one pakage to send 3 family memebers' applications, subsequently the passports and they Fedexed all the passports and OCI in one package (upon my request).
That's it folks - and good luck with your applications....
The OCI application process is more involved than the PIO card. I had applied for a PIO for my son and we received it within two weeks from the consulate (Houston). But the OCI took much longer - I started the process in the first week of July and I got the registration and Visa in the third week of August - the process spanned about 7 weeks.
Here's the process involved, in brief: After receiving the US passport, first I made an on-line registration - this is Part A of the application. A single registration is OK for a family of four (parents and kids under 18). A file reference number is provided at this time. I then downloaded Part B of the application forms. Here, one needs to provide the details of nationality and how one is claiming to be a person of Indian origin. At this time of initial submission to the consulate only copies of documents such as passports and proof of current citizenship, and passport photos are required. The fee is $275.
The Counsulate sends this information to be processed in India. The silver lining is that one can follow the progress of the file/registration on-line such as when the documents were received, what is happening in India, like scanning of photos, signature, when the OCI registration is granted, printing of documents after granting of OCI, desptch of documents from India and so on. Talk about progress!!! It takes about a month for the process in India and then the documents/details of registration info are sent back to the Consulate. The Consulate then sent me an email asking me to submit the original US Passport and the original Indian passport. I received back the original US passport with an Indian visa sticker that says it is a lifelong visa for multiple entries. A second document which looks like a passport is also provided (This is the OCI registration document). The Indian passport is cancelled and returned. The consulate requires about two weeks to process after the original passports are received.
I used only one pakage to send 3 family memebers' applications, subsequently the passports and they Fedexed all the passports and OCI in one package (upon my request).
That's it folks - and good luck with your applications....